Did C B D Oil Work? Chronic Pain Management with Medication

5 Ways To Manage Chronic Pain. #CBDoil #THC #Chronicpainmanagement CBD vs Tylenol vs Tinctures: Treating Pain and Neuropathy My heart is so full of …


  1. I thought of you the other day and wondered how you are doing. Glad to see that you have a recent post. I had been away from these internet streets for a while. I am dealing with chronic pain and also just thought about cbd wanting to come off this Gaba.

  2. This was really useful – thanks Ladon.
    Chronic pain is just so sapping and demoralising isn't it? I do wish you the best of luck in your journey xx

  3. Thank you for sharing, I first watched your video on using henna and you caught my attention when you mentioned having an autoimmune disease can dry your hair. My hair is so extremely dry and I didn’t know if it was because I’m menopausal but I think that plays a part and I have Fibromyalgia. My journey has been over 10 years but I’m always open to learning. You’ve shared some knows and confirmed some suspicions. Thank you so much. Take care and be well. 😊

  4. Praying my sister friend. I have been a licensed massage therapist for twenty years. So many women have crossed my path seeking relief from various autoimmune disorders. I have reports from clients who find relief from topical cbd as welk as ingestible forms. Magnesium (transdermal therapies) have positive results as well. I am one who believes in the power of prayer and partnership so I refer my clients to my acupuncturist and results have proven effective. Wishing you blessings of wellness and peace🙏🏽🤗💜

  5. I found out my nerve pain was related to my wisdom tooth …now it s gone in still in pain ..gabapentin did nothing f9r me nothing at all..

    I usually take Bayer back and body 500 mg something for inflammation …

  6. Gabapentin made me suicidal because I was on high doses. Be careful. I can’t wait for medical marijuana to become legal in my state, or even recreational. Thank you for the information. I will try CBD.

  7. Very good information, as a Fibromyalgia person, tried a lot of things and I just try not to get my stress level up and it helps not to have any episodes. Continue to take very good care of yourself, it is indeed a journey.

  8. I appreciate the information. I understand dealing with chronic pain. I suffer from fibromyalgia, sciatica, and migraines. I tried over the counter medication and natural remedy for nearly two years. But I'm in work in progress. I will keep you lifted up in prayer. God bless.

  9. Hi beautiful sis..Thank you. I'm have to try CBD for my chronic migraines. I'm on several medications. Waiting on an appt for botox treatment and appt for headache clinic. Blessings to you and I pray you get to feeling better. 🤗🧡

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