In episode 4 of the Hair Mask Monday series I’m giving a detailed review (with demonstrations) of the Afrobotanics Hemp Seed Oil …


  1. Hi Noli, I also noticed that my hair tends to feel stringy after using a protein treatment. So I have been on a look out for some moisture treatment to balance things out and I have opted to go for that African Pride masque!!💞

  2. New subbie here and my hair is also 4C low porosity, I’ll definitely try this product as I always do DIY hair masque and I’m a fan of Afrobotanics. Enjoyed the video

  3. Hi Noli, have you considered also including clarifying hair masks like bentonite clay mask? Or your plan in this playlist is to do deep conditioners only?

  4. This is probably the most asked question but imma ask anyways😏, How do you know/identify that your hair is protein sensitive?

    Ps: i can’t wait for you to review the afrobotanics deep penetrating moisturizing conditioner also from this wash day box. My impression!?…it’s bomb👏🏽👌🏽🔥

  5. I really enjoy watching people washing their type 4 hair, that's just so satisfying to me.
    I have high porosity hair, & I've been looking for a deep conditioner that will gimme the wow factor – been thinking of going for AfroBotanics but from a different range (I wasn't happy with the DC from the pearl thusi range).

  6. Same when I applied it literally disappeared so I had to use a lot but I have really thick hair so that could be it. My hair felt more strengthened after using it and I’ve noticed my coils are getting more defined.

  7. Thank you. I bought the July Wash day package but I wasn’t sure of how and when to use this product you’ve just reviewed. Thanks again. I’m low porosity type 4C. I use protein treatment sparingly

  8. That Amina triple butter conditioner also has Hydrolyzed Collagen, keratin and ceramides, Pro vitamin B5 so would you say that’s also a protein treatment? I have to say the protein treatment debates trips me up too

  9. Yaaaaay!
    Is it possible to test out the As I Am Hydration Elation Conditioner for hair mask Monday?
    I used it once and, although it has slip, my hair didn't feel as hydrated as when I use She Moisture manuka honey deep conditioner, but I'm searching for a protein-free deep conditioner.
    Or perhaps I should have kept it in my hair longer than instructed?🤔

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