California’s marijuana fields; Weed in Colorado; A new direction on drugs | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

From 2019, Sharyn Alfonsi’s report on the legal marijuana business in California, which was not as profitable as many thought it …


  1. Despite it being legal, you still can’t beat black market prices. Maybe if the government lets up on how much they tax marijuana in might balance out. That makes no sense that the growers in California can’t sell it outside of California. How it makes no sense that they can’t sell it out the damn country. If it’s manufacturing, they manufacture it. Yeah I’ve gotten lazy and want China to make everything like really this used to be an ndustrial country.

  2. WE THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA WANT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG!!!The broker so many kids over a plant that does so much .the have a patient on it but you can patient what nature makes naturally. We want free grow no more prison no more probation for kids and adults who use cannabis. Do something about the meth and fetanal. What a shame we the greatest country in world lead by jackassessss.

  3. This is Ridiculous, the OVER GREEDY GOV complains because it just wants more money to waste.
    Open it up for everyone, TAX it reasonably instead of these ridiculous taxes they put on weed and suppliers.
    This is NOTHING to do about Safety or Kids, NOTHING.
    Make it Fed legal. De schedule it where it should be, Laughable that it was ever put on schedule 1 and completely a failure by the federal government to have allowed it. A MONEY GRAB is all it was.
    That kid that jumped off a balcony did not do it from over dosing on an edible. That's completely 
    irresponsible suggesting that!
    Breathalyzers are the only drug tests that show under the influence and should be the only testing.
    THC in the system means nothing. What you do legally off duty should have nothing to do with your work UNLESS you are under the influence on the job. 3 – 4 hrs from your last consumption.

    Where is all the tax money going?
    I haven't seen it.
    Oh yeah, and by the way,

    Alcohol is and always has been a million times worse than cannabis.
    How many people jump off a building after drinking every week?
    How many people suffer from cancer from alcohol?
    The Governments ok with that.

    It's all and always has been about MONEY and big business. The Alcohol industry, Like the fossil fuel industry is very powerful, pays off the government and don't you forget it. Cannabis eats at their profit.
    Shame on CNN for not bringing that up!

  4. Interesting, when they are talking about doctors and pain medications… I am a doctor… In the early 2000's, I had to attend an 8 hour MANDATORY course on treating people's pain. There was even a 6th vital sign -" the pain score". Bureaucracy told physicians that you MUST treat pain, you were graded on the "Pain scale," hospitals got funding depending on that Pain scale. Now doctor's are to blame for the opioid crisis? I have also seen so many adverse effects from marijuana in the ER – cyclical vomiting syndrome, paranoia, anxiety – please use wisely.

  5. It is Cannabis!
    Marijuana is a slang name. Please call it by its Herbal Name.
    It is a Herb.
    Research…August 1974 in Congress. Nixon got information that THC curbed the growth of CANCER!

  6. The American people are crazy. They now say that addiction is a mental disorder and yet they’re still throwing people in jail/ prison for it every single day. You can’t blame the government for this when living in a democracy. If the voters say this is what we want then our elected officials even comply or else get voted out.
    So in essence, aren’t the people well represented. Garbage in, garbage out. If the people would have demanded for the decriminalization of all drugs sixty years ago then we wouldn’t have an opioid epidemic today. Who cares that some people like to smoke pot. Take cigarettes for example, less people use tobacco products today since it was legalized. By telling someone they can’t do something just make them want to do it even more.
    Think about how many tax payer dollars have been spent, lives have been ruined / lost over the war on drugs. We’re talking about drugs here, not other criminal offenses. Like shooting someone just because they’re turning their car around in your driveway
    IMO Alcohol is worse than any of these other drugs and yet it’s still legal. Also IMO there’s a simple fix for all our drug use related problems here in America , legalize, decriminalize, make it readily available in controlled safe environments and then watch how the use of these products decrease over a ten, twenty year period. Its even a mental disorder or it’s not.
    Can’t have it both ways.
    Like I said people getting angry with our government, because of what we voted for, is the definition of stupid…
    But then again we all know who’s really pulling the strings , right?
    The special business interest groups, greedy corporate conglomerates . Nothing gets done unless they get their cut first. Upfront.
    Yes this existed prior to 1981 , but it was none other than Ronald Reagan and his administration that put this whole crap on steroids. With his trickle down economics policy, war on drugs policies and the use of QE, giving free tax payer dollars to financial institutions in order to keep the working class in debt. Forever.
    If only people would read the facts instead of believing everything they hear.
    The quality of all our lives would increase.
    But hey, using common sense is no longer a thing , right?
    If you can make your own beer or wine in your home then you should be allowed to grow your own pot.
    Cut the middle man out.
    Keep your money in your own personal bank account for other things , like food, clothes, children’s education.
    Darn, that would make too much sense wouldn’t it?
    If your gonna be dumb, you better be tough… and why is it that 95% of the stupid people do all the whining. You think they’re might be a correlation between the two.

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