Can CBD Oil Unlock Natural Pain Relief? Urologist Explains!

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a product that’s derived from cannabis, and is known to have a lot of benefits. Watch this video as Dr.


  1. I'm 76 years old now and I have chronic back pain all the time (lower right side), and hip pain (right hip) during cold weather months. About five years ago one of my daughters worked at a CBD dispensary for about a year and she sent me a 2 oz. bottle of their top of the line CBD oil to see if it would ease my back pain and hip pain. I took the oil as directed and it didn't do anything, so I doubled the dose and it still didn't do anything. Sometime later, a year maybe, one of my friends gave me a jar of CBD cream and he said if I would rub it into my back that it would ease my back pain. So I tried it for awhile and it didn't do anything to ease the pain either. Opiates are the only thing that always work for me, but now my doctor is going to hang me out to dry (no more pain meds). I don't know what I'm going to do about this constant pain.

  2. Yes CBD can help eliminate pain but it's pain from inflammation. For pain relief you need THC. Mixing the 2 together CBD + THC you'll get the optimum relief because of the entourage effect. I use cannabis daily to help with chronic pain relief caused by R.A. I am able to manage most of my pain without opiates. Now I'm not saying it completely takes away my pain but it makes it easier to tolerate.

  3. I can't comment on pain from surgery with CBD oil, but I can say for my joints, CBD oil has made my life so much better. I can move my knees again which I could not do before taking CBD oil. I do have to take a lot of it a day, but it works.

  4. Aloha Dr. Malik, good content, as always. I personally take a full spectrum CBD tincture sublingually, to help me cope with anxiety and occasional panic attacks. For me, there are no side effects as I take them before I go to sleep, when I need it, (a few times a month). It also helps me sleep more deeply when I do take it so I wake up feeling more refreshed. I find if I order from a repudiable company that does independent testing of their product, and offers lab results ensuring the actual contents of their product, I get the best results.

    Keep up the excellent work Dr. Malik; I do enjoy your content and forth coming presentation style. Your content reminds me of the Walt Whitman quote to, "Be curious, not judgmental".

  5. Aloha from Hawaii,
    I will never say anything negative about THC but I tried CBD a handful of times for pain in my shoulder & elbow as I was getting physical therapy for tennis elbow & it never helped me. I tried THC/CBD gummies & used a " Tens " unit & that helped. I use the Tens unit for 30 minutes per day.
    As for CBD, I think it's a modern day marketing hustle. Come on people, be real, there's no magic in hemp.
    Currently I been hearing good things about micro dosing mushrooms 🍄

  6. I tried cbd to see if it could help with my "adhd" (not diangnosed and at the very least I've worsened it with the "modern" lifestyle). When I took it for the first time I didn't expect ANY effect because I was specifically told to start with a lower dose and it would in any case usually take 2-3 weeks for the body to get it's cannabidiol system properly activated.
    I also had pain in my upper back, facet lock that I wasn't able to crack open with a foam roller, but didn't even think about relieving that with CBD. But after 30 or so minutes I realised that my back pain was gone! It did come back after several hours, but when I took CBD again, it went away.
    It hasn't helped with sore muscles or headache though.

    Also, as THC is illegal here, and even CBD without THC is at least in gray area (it's ok if it's sold as "hemp oil", but not as "CBD oil" 😂), I haven't tried one with THC. I know that THC is shown to have many positive effects in some studies, but it is what it is…

  7. CBD has proven to me to be nothing more than a marketing scam. Any claims of perceived benefits are mostly due to the placebo effect and no actual proven studies have changed that.

  8. I've tried CBD oil before for pain relief… but it didn't workout. On a scale between 1 and 10, my pain was a 9 and the CBD oil worked like a 1 👎

    I went back to taking Extra Strength Tylenol after that experience. 💊👍

  9. From many of the information i have been reading since CBD OILS have become available to the public, i have found CBD OILS DO NOT WORK – dont waste your money !!
    I purchased twenty(20), 1 ounce bottles of CBD OIL($39.99each) and used them over time only to find no relief of pain, just pain in my wallet !!
    CBD OIL sales are scams !!

  10. I never tried cbd oil but the gummies and it did help me a lot with back and shoulder pain enough to let me sleep soundly. But I'd be careful i took one that was way too strong and had one of the worst experiences ever.

  11. I am 31 year old guy with no pre marital sexual contact. I am thinking about getting married but not confident about my sexual abilities. Its more psychological I believe.

  12. I personally like to use a 1:1 THC/CBD mixture if I'm trying to treat pain. Those two molecules are found together in nature so it makes sense to take them together

  13. I smoke Cannabis for chronic pain (often vaporize concentrates), both CBD and THC do a significant job of what opioids do. CBD is more of a physical thing and THC helps you tolerate it better.

  14. Doc I've smoked 💯 THC, CBD, all the Delta's, tried a lot of edibles and I hurt daily from back pains cause I've detailed vehicles all my life and NONE of them has EVER HELPED with PAIN…! I take NO PILLS, I HATE PILLS!!!😮

  15. I think it's snake oil. I started taking for my knee pain. I dint really think it did much. I did take a super strong type once because my knees were killing me, it got me high as f@!# and I still had the pain.

  16. Doc I am using CBD gummies. My question for you is, do CBD gummies actually help with ED? If it does help with ED does it also give you more girth and length? And lastly, if it helps, how long does it take to see results? I apologize for asking you this and it's not about CBD oil. Your feedback will help emensly. Could you give me any advice on what I should use for this problem.
    Tks Doc

  17. I tried CBD oil for osteoarthritis. I found that it help me feel relaxed and did feel like it took the edge off the pain. Only problem I had was when I took the oil to help me sleep. I would sleep fine for 3 – 4 hrs and after it wore off, I couldn't get back to sleep.

  18. Hi, My wife(49) has undergone uterus operation due to excess blood flow for more than 7 to 8 days. Now post operation (more than 2 years now) she suffers sever pain during inter course & refusal due to non expansion of vagina. How can she overcome this issue of non expansion. Thank you…

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