1. This is b.s I have a chuawaw that has seizures and we give her human strength CBD and it has taken it 75 percent away. It was a major difference

  2. I’m confused about how to dose. I ordered a bottle of the NuLeaf cbd, 300 mg. It gives how much to use on your pet. For my dog, 22 lbs, I’d give 2 drops. For a 100-lb dog, 10 drops. Would it be the same for the 900 or 1800 or are those measures for really sick dogs, like with cancer?

  3. My vet prescribed it recently for my 15 yr old dog that has chronic pain from arthritis and anxiety. I noticed a difference the next day. She is calm, way more alert, her behavior went back to what it use to be and she no longer has anxiety.

  4. I can say 100% CBD has helped my boy who has Hemangiosarcoma. He’s less restless, and much more comfortable. They gave him 1 to 3 months, we’re going on month 5. I’m cherishing every moment.

  5. You don't work…. I've seen it with both my eyes your probably part of so pharmacompany I bet you or your bf or gf who is your influencer what real science can prove this what you say is true a reliable source …. work that I've seen it work 💯 in kids to

  6. Most vets are in it for the money they don’t give a shit it’s just a job to them I’ve been around a few and all they done was rip me of with drugs that’s didn’t work but CBD worked just fine

  7. My 3 year old rag doll has seizures and high anxiety. Her holistic vet recommended we try it and had a consultation with a CBD specialist. So far we have noticed a happier more peaceful, playful cat. For sure less anxiety and no seizure since giving it to her..6 months so far.❤

  8. Quick question, CBD ( hemp oil ) or MCT for my dog with epilepsy. She takes Potassium Bromide and Phenobarbital but so far 1 seizure every 10 days , looking for some help

  9. When I look for CBD there is a bunch of different percentages, here is an example, what have you tried??
    5% CBD-oil= 2 mg CBD per drop
    10% CBD-oil= 4 mg CBD per drop

    20% CBD-oil= 8 mg CBD per drop

  10. CBD oil does really work for pain, seizures, anxiety even helps with cancer just don't be buying low quality cheap CBD oil you see at the gas station that stuff's like snake-oil probably only has soy bean oil or some other low-quality oil in there.

  11. I had a 10 year old lab showing signs of arthritis. Put him on CBD and turmeric was like having a young pup again after a few days. Lost him with heart failure when he was 15 but still moving well. Might not work for every animal but sure improved his quality of life. Keep up the great work.

  12. We had a Jack Russell with epilepsy. The vet put her on potassium bromide. That nearly killed her and did nothing to stop or slow her seizures. She was in it for almost a year. We found a new vet, put her on CBD, changed her diet to exclude anything with rosemary and she went from several seizures a week to only 1 or 2 a month the first few months to having none for the last 6 years of her life. She was diagnosed at age 10 and lived to 19. Daily CBD use for 9 years. We also give it to our rescue dog who was disabled after being hit by a car. When we got her, she could barely use her left back leg. Put zero pressure on it. She still pumps but, she walks on all four legs now. I will always preach the benefits of CBD.

  13. Please tell me where I can get some good CBD I had my dog on holistic Hound but they seem to be out of business now. I know that my dogs thrived when she was on it she has been off of it now for like 2 weeks and I see her joints hurting her and she's starting to knuckle.. of course my vetement but her on remedol what do you think about that? I definitely am going to click the link below your video thanks so much and God bless

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