DAPHENO Hemp Oil Review πŸ€” | MODELONES Acrylic Giveaway πŸ™ŒπŸ½ | New PRODUCTS sneek peek πŸ‘€

HEMP OIL Here’s more info about the hemp oil for your reference: Mainly, the hemp oil is taken orally and it also can be used as …


  1. Girlll! I swear I hit that like button, youtube is not showing how many likes your video has, the thumbs up goes darker rather than showing how many liked the video.

  2. O WOW how awesome I would love to try this hemp cuticle oilπŸ‘€πŸ˜ πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Nikki ty for all your amazing creative nails πŸ’… and all the time and effort you put into the videos you post for us, and especially these giveaways 😍 nail supplies aren't cheap so this is so awesome ty so much love 😍 as always ty

  3. I totally spillt my chrome powder gf. All over everything!!!!I'll never recover completely πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†I despise those little disc jar things

  4. Hi maam nikki please help im having a trouble curing yayoge builder gel it has a black lid on. It doesnt cure even i leave on 2minutes my lamp is 36w led/uv lamp please anyone??

  5. Oh, I like the brush! You are bomb Nikki! I appreciate the way you do give aways! Suzie at NCE did a give away, what a mess! She never did announce winners or post who won. 🀷
    P S. I dropped your channel name as a good example of how give away winners should be announced-love your channel!

  6. That oil looks amazing. Congrats to the winnersπŸŽ‰ The modelones pens look good since they actually have enough chrome on the cushion. Venalisa and bp does not.
    Tfs chickπŸ’œπŸ’–

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