EPILEPSY DIAGNOSIS | EEG RESULTS | CBD OIL? | Absence Seizure Aurora’s EEG results are in and we show you her …


  1. I have chronic epilepsy. I've had it since I was 5 (I'm 16). I'm triggered by all the things you said (light,to much exercise, sleep, sounds and to much emotion like when I'm excited or nervous). Seeing someone else have epilepsy although it is sad it did make me feel like I'm not alone. I wish you guys luck and if anything has helped me was knowing I have people who care for me, that's my advice ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Auroa she is so adorable, I also was adopted when I was a baby, my grandmother, grandfather my biological mom adopted me,But I didn't find until I was 15 years that I was adopted.♥️♥️♥️

  3. Marijuana and CBD are not drugs. They truly are God’s natural medicine. It helps so many people. I have multiple health problems and know the desperation of finding anything that will make life livable. CBD didn’t help me personally, but marijuana has been a true Godsend for me personally. I know Aurora’s situation is far different from my own, but if CBD could help, I’d say try it and see if it helps her. I’m watching old episodes and hope to see that you tried it and it helped her. Aurora is my daughter’s age, and I can’t imagine going through this with her. Got bless you all, and may that precious lot girl find relief!

  4. CBD is not a drug. I understand that stigma but hopefully you can get past that. I use CBD and THC oil for myself for anxiety. It is amazing.

  5. Don't worry, I am extremely anti-marijuana; and I'm the same as you regarding my boyfriend of 10 years. If he started marijuana, I'm leaving. You're not alone in that opinion. My friend does marijuana, and has tried CBD. The CBD made her feel down all the time, and the marijuana she got from the street reduced her anxiety, but the medical marijuana she got from the doctor did nothing for her. I don't trust CBD only because it is new, and I am having a hard time disassociating it from marijuana. If I were you, and if you are able, read the clinical studies done on patients that have taken CBD oils (or medical marijuana in tablet form), or at least have someone you know who can read science summarize the findings for you. If you like what you hear, mentally separate CBD from marijuana for the sake of your child.

  6. Cannabis isn't a drug. It's a medicine. It's the only thing that has helped my many ailments. Don't go for a weak tincture at a local store. Get it directly from a reputable hemp grower with a very high potency CBD and then you can dilute it and add terpenes if desired. You can get a year supply for the same cost as a month.

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