Pain Doctor’s Opinion on CBD. Does CBD Help With Pain? Doctor Jack Episode 1

My personal journey and experiences with CBD as an anesthesiologist and pain physician. This is my very first Youtube video!


  1. Wow! Seems like forever ago that I put out this 1st video! Thanks to all those for watching and supporting the channel. I cannot believe I've done 40 videos since then. Keep spreading knowledge and enjoying the journey! Wishing everyone well!

  2. Thanks Dr, my GP has prescribed me CBD I’ve been struggling with Centralised sensitisation pain for four years. Hopping CBD can help me.

  3. CBD is not the problem, CBN and other variations including Kratom which causes Seizures because it’s really bad and I can’t have that because of my Severe Traumatic Brain Injury because I could die, and I use CBD daily because it doesn’t effect me horribly, relieves Anxiety and Depression, KRATOM is the deadliest

  4. Thank you Doctor Jack for these incredible video's, as I myself being a medical researcher in both eastern and western medicine for 27 years and a retired pharmacist.

  5. Doc, I’ve been using cannabis & CBD oil to ameliorate my anxiety/depression since awaking from coma caused by an a very bad motorcycle that cause me to be medically pulled from med school just 1.5 years away from applying to residency. My PCP wanted to put me on an SSRI after I awoke & was formally diagnosed & was flabbergasted after I told her that I had it covered since I was a pot head through my last couple of years of high school & had 1st hand experience using it. Cheers for learning about something that pretty much goes against the traditional medical model. I went from wanting to become a neurosurgeon to a GP then to an NP cause I strongly prefer the naturalistic holistic methods & nutritional for treatment over using any FDA pharmaceutical. Cheers & keep up the good work Stay safe as well. Forgot to thank you for the book recommendations. Just ordered all of them.

  6. Hi! My I am now a Green Compass Advocate and one of my colleagues recommended your channel. I am a CRNA and I studied about the ECS in my doctoral education as a Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. One of my colleagues introduced me to GC and told me about the broad spectrum products. I would love to pick your brain on how you introduce this education to my colleagues! Thanks! Missy Mims CRNA

  7. Good to watch another of your videos. I have chronic pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis. I've been in pain over 10-years. I'm also a heart patient (s/p heart attack and double-bypass surgery 1995) so I'm on a lot of meds, but did get my Cardiologists approval to begin medical marijuana. So until my MMJ card arrives I'm going to start CBD sublingual drops, so I look forward to watching all of your videos as I begin this new journey with CBD. Thanks again.

  8. The VA doesn't hesitate to prescribe opiates over alternative treatments. Even at low dosage, these narcotics have changed my life for the negative. My VA physician gets very upset with me when I continually ask for a better solution.

  9. Welcome to You tube! I found you through another video of yours. I really like the way you explain things and help break it down for us 'normal' folks. 😉 I've never taken any CBD products I just became curious about it through a class I'm taking.

  10. Cbd works but you have to build the blockers on it. A good cbd extract is the way to go. Up to 1200 mil is what i used but be prepared to sleep. Topicals work great on skin 5000 mil

  11. Yes more content on the effects of cannibias on your body diet ect. Cbd at gas stations safe? Gummies? Smoke? Best way to consume and the effects on different parts of your body.

  12. I subscribed for the knowledge and I am using CBD oil for my sciatic low back pain issues and it has helped me out I'd prefer CBD over Ibuprofen any day. Also I like the books behind you. The Intelligent Investor and Buffett.

  13. Can you guide me to one of your video's that address the 'entourage effect' with THC for pain management?
    I'm trying hard to reduce my use of Gaba and other typical neuroleptic medications by dosing with CBD/THC above what is typically legal in some states. I live in one that where THC has been legalized, so I'm free to experiment. I just feel I'm twisting along in the wind.

  14. Would you recommend or suggest CBD for a person with a history of atrial fibrillation? my mother suffers from chronic pain and has afib (but hasn't had an attack in YEARS). Was curious about CBD because she despises taking meds.

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