Could cannabis help you sleep? | Jennifer Walsh | TEDxKingsParkSalon

In a world-first study we have the first indications of whether medicinal cannabis can benefit people with insomnia. It’s early days …


  1. Thank you for your fascinating information. I started my journey with marijuana with Columbian Gold in the early 70s (south FL) and enjoyed the sativa effects, but drifted away when I left home. I now have a medical marijuana license to use it for sleep and over the years, I realized CBD produced insomnia, as well as sativa. The most effective for 8 hours of solid healthy sleep is indica sans CBD for me. Edibles of the same variety are also highly effective.

  2. I have medication-induced insomnia. Pot definitely helps me sleep, at least for a few hours. It really helps with racing thoughts and anxiety at night, too, so my mind can rest. But it only lasts as long as I'm high, which is like 2-3 hours. So it's not a permnent insomnia cure. I take a prescribed medication for that. Pot is a suppliment, it doesn't do it on its own, but if you have mild or episodic insomnia due to anxiety/worry, yes, it probably will help you. Make sure you get indica, NOT sativa. Sativa is energetic and can cause anxiety and paranoia if you're prone to anxiety. Indica is relaxing.

  3. you are not smoking the real cannabis if its mixed with so many chemicals its better or laced with a special ingredient but then it wouldn't be clean cannabis.

  4. What might annoy me is not what types of cannibanoids are in a medication but, what else is in it. That's the trouble with drug companies, they just can't help mixing things. They just have to add and see if they can do better, even though it more than likely makes a mess. Drug companies can't be trusted to leave things pure.

  5. Yummy mummy 😋 Not only smart and sharpe af, she's also fun and open minded. Could listen to her for hours
    Where are they all hiding (asking for a friend)
    I can't find data about her, anyone knows where she's from ?

  6. It's called, "Melanin."
    Guess what? Regulate melanin in the body by getting thirty minutes of strong sunlight on the skin and in the eyes during aerobic exercise and then go in to a cool dark room, and you'll develop narcolepsy.

    Same amount of sun and just walk, then back in that cool dark room, and within a week the narcolepsy will be cured.

    Insomniac? Sunlight and exercise but no dark room until you are want to sleep. Cool is important, critical really, for sleep! Debt got you worried? Yeah, exhaustion can help . . . a debt counseling service will help a lot more.

  7. I can tell you from personal experience that for me, taking high doses of mmj edibles is the difference between getting 5 hours collectively of sleep in a 24 hour period, versus 3 hours. It makes a huge difference not only in the quantity of sleep, but the quality as well. I am fortunate to live in Arizona, where medical marijuana has been legal for several years, and recreational is also legal here now.

  8. Reading some of the comments with the crazy spelling and grammar is a huge clue about how much weed some of these people use.
    I would urge people who take meds to see if weed increases the half life of their meds. It works a lot the same way grapefruit does, but not always on the same meds. A friend was taking thyroid and using weed and ended up overdosing on thyroid because the weed increased the half life. My friend lived, but that may not be the case with all drugs. Check it out people. Be safe, not sorry.

  9. Depends where I'm from, you can get two types of weed. Locally grown (aka Shash) or imported mostly from Europe (aka loud).

    Shash is typically grown outside in fields and not much is done to maintain the plant. It's been that way for probably hundreds of years(I'm assuming). While smoking with my parents and grandparents, they typically say it's hasn't changed much since their younger days. I prefer this one because it often feels like a very balanced high.

    Loud on the other hand can be a number of different strains. I feel than smoking those once in a while is okay. There have been times when I felt nauseated.

  10. Of course it can help you sleep. But if you're quantity is too much you become groggy the next day. You also dream less or stop having dreams.

  11. Good Talk.

    Chill thing about Canada is 4 cannabis plants per household. 10 to 12 pounds per growing season, 1 season indoors, and 1 season outdoors.

    You always know what's in your own dried flower. And what buds you need to best address the ailments in need.

    In North America, opiates kill, bud doesn't.

  12. It put me to sleep since I first tried it to this day. I'm not a regular smoker (actually very rarely nowadays), but when I do, I can go to sleep whenever I want. When I was young and suffered from anxiety and depression in my late teens I used it to self-medicate and to be able to sleep.

  13. My humble experience with insomnia (for years)
    Wake up early, everyday even if you haven't had enough sleep, take a nap later after midday, but wake up early like 30min before the sunrise, try to inhale that fresh air just before the sunrise and get exposed to the light of the rising sun. I've done it for years now, best quality sleep, no more waking up at 3am questioning your existence on earth hh and better mornings especially if you take walks

  14. Temporarily. I was dependent on smoking at a young age then had to quit because I started to feel more forgetful and less alert all the time.

    I started chinese medicine for insomnia and inflammation and this has worked like nothing else before. I boil tons of plants/bark (my prescription) and drink the tea once a day. There are no negative side effects and the results are long lasting. I wish this kind of natural medicine was talked about more. Whenever I've heard natural medicine in the USA, it's normally mushrooms, DMT, weed, and a few plants like ashwaganda. We can learn more from other culutures now.

    Not to mention, it is proven that weed can activate bipolar and schizophrenia if it is in your gene pool. This means you could live 30 years without bipolar, smoke too much weed, and end up with bipolar after a psychotic break (i work in spmi mental health and this actually happens all the time). Weed is not that big of a deal, that fact is not to demonize it. Lots of currently approved western medicine messes people up more than weed lmao.

    But we should talk about all facts, including the one above, when talking about weed like this. It has a label of being healing and this is not a realistic label.

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