1. I’m so outraged right now! Imagine someone having an opinion on fitness, or anything else. I’m never going to exercise again until the media repents. (Even though I’ve actually never heard anyone other than JP rage about this. Sell me another TShirt.)

  2. I feel….lost…. the more we develop our technologies and ways to access information… the more uneducated a part of our population becomes….😅

  3. Counter argument: Its the most middlest exercise to exercise! Better fitness = more stamina for fathering your offsping, and can help you seem more desirable for your significant other…. humm… leftist got into this afterall it seems… 😀

  4. What if the CIA is dosing us with this weak male agenda so we become stronger like they just add resistance to our society not to break us but to just keep us going along

  5. When he looked like he was going to take a huge bite of Crisco, I cringed. Glad the shot cut before he got it to his mouth. Ick!

  6. Hmmm… It's the fetishisation of fitness (together with purity, strength, dominance etc) that is associated with the far right, not fitness itself. So, sorry, didn't really follow this one.

  7. Testosterone levels have plummeted. Then an article like this from MSNBC comes out. Yet, some people on the right still don't see that there is a coordinated effort to weaken men.

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