Former Governor Jesse Ventura’s Minnesota senate testimony in support of legalizing cannabis [FULL]

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura testified in front of a Minnesota Senate Committee Thursday afternoon to support …


  1. Legalizing weed can only help the states if they take control of it like we did in Canada not only will you make money but you will take money from the Mexican cartels.

  2. Listen I truly believe that marijuana is good for you!! It helps us in so many ways! It helps you sleep if you cannot, it gives you an appetite and helps you eat if you're sick and do not have an appetite, it can help you with your pain, it can help you to concentrate on a test that you're doing and focus more on it, it can help with anxiety and your nerves after you've been using it for a while, and I can go on and on and on!! It helps humans with so many things that it may be the greatest medicine in the history of the world because they have been using for thousands and thousands of years, it has so many positive benefits to it and they know it and that is why they outlawed it and made it illegal because whether you believe it or not this country this world is ran by evil individuals that do nothing but want to benefit their selves at everyone else's expense, if they had legalized marijuana years ago they would have not been able to make all of the billions and billions of dollars that they have made from the medical industry with their own harmful side effect field medicines that they have been putting on the market and selling for years and years that has killed God knows how many people. And there is another benefit from marijuana that they do not want us to have and that is peace!! Because it really does bring people together and brings peace to the world. You never hear of anyone smoking a joint and then going out and committed murder or doing heinous crimes or causing fights but alcohol sure as hell does you know that stuff that is legal!!!!! and causes millions and millions of deaths every year?

  3. Honestly i think this is a bad idea legalizing any drug it puts out the wrong impression to younger people and usally leads to harder drugs. Cannabis pot weed is a DRUG if it wasnt then why are they using it in the medical field ? Why do people smoke it .?i personally dont use it IM BETTER THAN THAT in my opinion. Im 50yrs old and have done fine in life with out drugs. But im different than most people.

  4. Hey Kids…… you not realize that the deep state swamp creatures want you stoned and drunk much easier to control you. Now they are talking about making hallucinogens legal. Great we need people tripping out on Acid.and Mushrooms.

  5. Until MN has dispensaries like Cali and Colorado it’s not legal, they need to have dispensaries be easy to open. Try to get more small business compared to big companies coming in and buying a ton of dispensary licenses. Once marijuana is fully legal and as easy as getting a coffee I’m sure plenty of people would love MN

  6. Damn…. Jesse Ventura is an absolutely outstanding American and if you say otherwise we're fighting on it. This is a man who has all the correct values. He protected his cherished wife, the mother of his children and the one he has loved the longest and put her before and above the state LONG BEFORE she ever had her first siezure. He broke the law, jeoprodized his freedom and took matters into his own hands TO DO WHAT WAS RIGHT, NOT WHAT WAS LAWFUL like a real man should. Not one single individual was harmed in the process and that was the entire point! His wife was the one being harmed by the state!

  7. He's so right about everything. The laws in this country r so fucking repressive. 🙄 all drug laws should b abolished at the federal level . Off the clock protection 😌 for every 1ns job. When ur off work & even safety sensitive jobs like driving ,cdl authorities/ DOT . UR EMPLOYERS 🤗 NOR GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE ABLE TO OWN OR HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER UR DECIONS & UR LIFE . FREEDOMS & LIBERTIES U HAVE NOT IN THIS COUNTRY. FAKE ASS FREEDOM 😒 COUPLED WITH CORPERATE OWNERSHIP OF PEOPLE IS ALL I SEE😠

  8. On a side note: Can people please groom themselves and dress appropriately when showing up to these occasions? He looks as if he is living rough on the streets.

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