Hemp Seed Oil For Super Amazing Hair Growth, Healthy Life & Skin Care | Benefits of hemp seeds oil

Hi N.T.N.P welcome to today’s video, hope you all are doing great if so, bless God. as for those of you that are still contemplating …


  1. Using 200g hemp seeds, how much oil did you yield?
    Does it matter whether you used the shelled or unshelled seeds?
    I am going to make a batch and have both types of seeds.
    Thank you for your wealth to obtain health.

  2. Hey! It’s me again! Lol. I did a hair porosity test and turns out I have low porosity hair. Which makes sense because anytime I add oil to my hair it still seems so dry! You’re my lady and I talk about you all the time. Can you help me? What can I do naturally to help keep my hair moisturized for my hair type : 4c low porosity 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️

  3. Loving your remedy as always you give us out the natural real things from the source sis that evn encourages me to keep on returning to this Chanel as always

  4. I love natural products everything about is natural healthy lifestyle that's why I love your products because is 100%natural you are so creative and full of wisdom and ideas the oil is not easy to press it out two spoons is a good outcome 😍

  5. Hemp is really powerful no wonder after some people finished taking it they will be high..even their parents will become too small in their eyes😂.

    Welldone my DiY natural hair therapist..keep it up..the work of getting the oil out is not easy..you got a little quantity..this is God's Time/God's Love

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