Inside NHS detox centre – Victoria Derbyshire

The NHS could save £27m a year by changing the way it deals with alcoholic patients, new research seen by the Victoria …


  1. Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety, and illicit pills addiction. Imagine carving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not, in a couple of years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.

  2. I've just found out that alcohol addiction withdrawal could be so severe. My friend having tremor if he doesn't take alcohol. I my self don't drink cus I live in Asia. Many people not drinking.

  3. As a recovering alcoholic thought during that period of my life that I couldn't escape it but then I found something so good that it helped me lose interest in alcohol entirely and I've never felt better thanks to Crystal meth 😊😊

  4. I am so inspired by anyone who is beating addiction each day. There is a level of bravery, commitment, determination and grit involved that is highly commendable by absolutely anyone's standards. Sadly, some are pre-disposed to not have the ability and/or the opportunity to display this level of human spirit. I spend a moment often, to think of those who were not afforded these gifts. I am grateful for my sobriety each day.

  5. Wow 30 pints a day. That’s equal to forty 12 oz beers that are only 5% alcohol here in the USA. I’ve heard of people doing a whole case of beer a day which is 30. But never 40. That guys tolerance is so high. It might be equal to even higher than 40 beers if the percentage is higher. Which it might be over there in the UK. I hope he made it.

  6. 07:08, 20 Jun 2023. I'm interested in this article & inspired from the start of it, to contribute this reminder. The article quotes "billions" spent on the effects of drink & drugs. I do understand this is realistic yet I live above an illegal addictive substance cultivation, supply & distribution network site of South London where police of almost three countries have ignored, enabled & facilitated the progress of substance abuses many years now.
    The ethnic cleansing of black & Minority communities puts crack cocaine smells, tastes & visual familiarity in the path of little children & all ages above that. Employees, emergency service staff, delivery drivers, motorbike drivers, parents, elderly & many others, given all the necessary traits of pre addiction. Those with a greater prevalence are encouraged into addiction of substances such as heroin, cocaine & similar, using easy gambling techniques. When the substance of choice is a lower grade, the substances are laced with stronger hidden substances. All this is with permissable guidance of Ministers & Governments, Councilors, counsellors & rehab facilities, emergency service providers & governors, & major segments of society.
    Thus, is the "billions" being spent part of money laundering? Are the addictions more profitable?
    A typical addict not only has little or no expectation of reasonable police & authoritive behaviour, they actually repel it. The efforts to police the segments of society are put to use videoing abuses of vulnerable & susceptible members of society.
    Tiny new born infants sexually abused via permissable covert videoing of a nappy change at a lower level of housing where covert cameras above him appease a cocaine dealer, giving subversive excuses to communicate quietly with other men who may like both paedophilia & cocaine yet don't have to worry about the legality or the morality of child pornography images garnered & distributed. Each child abused has a greater propensity of living a drug abuse lifestyle. They probably won't be paid as Counsellors or Councillors. They are more likely to be abused as teens, ushered into lifetimes of dealing & using drugs, being criticised from the system that accepted the wages of protecting them as infants.
    Kind respects,
    Theresa 🙋‍♀️☯️

  7. The UK is in a lot of burden and trouble due to these habits. I am from India, and been here for Masters. Alcohol in UK is embedded into their whole social culture. Every gathering or party no matter how small or big will have alcohol. So youngsters get into it and then it continues for the rest of their lives. A lot of fundamental spcietal changes should happen for this to take a shift.

  8. Respectfully, you don’t quit alcohol in a home, you have a lot of work to do alone, before or after….:
    Addicts lie, pretend, deceive! NEVER EVER BELIEVE US!!!!!

  9. Utter shite empty hospitals xray machine u buy once just electric funny how nhs bills never went dow. During empty covid eh its like me daying i run a pub every customer sitting costs me fuck u

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