1. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with edibles, truly. Just as with mushrooms, go in with good intentions & excitement, & as it hits, let go, put on headphones & music, you’ll have the time of your life!

  2. Be careful for sure. I took many with no problem and then one time…bam!,,my ass was curled up couldn't move…felt sick as hell.I was doing hundreds of mg. so not talking a packk of gummies but yeh..carful..never know whats going to happen..lol

  3. Lol that lady has a pimple and that photo on her forehead her big forehead has a big old pimple on it and she tried to cover it up with makeup and it didn't work haha

  4. It felt really good at first but I've had a bad headache for a day I'm not eating edibles anymore the back corner of my head feels raw and keeps stabbing me in the head never again

  5. Wtf with all those experiences
    The only time I got a bad trip was first time smoking a thc cart, I’ve never smoked before and that shit put me on a paranoid mode, nowadays I can take maybe a whole 1000 mg and I barely get high.
    Some people just exaggerate their stories.

  6. Lol. Def start off small. 5-10 mg and gradually see how you do. Don't down a whole bag of 100 mg on the Lost Farm on the first try.. Make sure you got good music, good trusted friends that can help ya through it.

  7. I had edibles 3 times now and each time I was paranoid out of my fucking mind, overthinking everything and not comprehending anything at the same time. Idk why I thought the next time would be different

  8. I will never ever take too many edibles again, i remember i was twitching and like every time i thought of a topic to focus on it became “abstract” and scared me. And Time kept starting over and every time i opened my eyes I saw the same tiktok video. now i think I’m coming down from the effects. I feel like that one term “derealization”. Loll neverrr againnnn

  9. I had a edible first time, first drug ever. I dont do drugs. I was in Vegas so yeah. I felt nothing at first about an hour later…oh my God. I was in deep thought. My man was like you keep saying 8 red down 11 red down. He took my azz straight to the casino. All the numbers I was saying wer hitting. I was telling him odd, even, black, red, 4. All hit. He walked aways with a lot of money that night. The next night he wanted me to take another one, I told him hell no!!🤣

  10. One time my sister gave me one sour ring edible on my way out to my house . I was like this ain't shit I drove home fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was floating but shaking though I was going to pass out or die😅😅😅It was stronger then like ten bong hits. at the same time. I was ready to go to the hospital that morning all paranoid but finally fell asleep 🤣

  11. Last night I thought I was gonna be fine with a 10mg THC/CBD gummy. Ended up being one of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. I was basically fading in and out of consciousness for about 10 hours and have been slowly coming back to my senses. Would not recommend.

  12. They’re dangerous because idiots pound a shit load of them in a short period of time. Don’t mess up weed with stupidity, folks. The last thing we need after all this legalization, is assholes ruining pot with edibles scare stories.

  13. I remember I tried edibles before going to sleep was still high the next day. My heart was beating super fast and had a panic attack I wanted to cry, next day I woke up the same panic attack wit the fast heart rate. I was scared and that because it’s still happening. And i took last night

  14. I had a thc overdose from eating edibles. It made me have psychosis. I was literally hearing voices that were telling me to hurt myself and others. Never again am I doing edibles.

  15. Most times I’ve done edibles the highs have been great but recently I had half of an 800mg nerds rope which resulted in me believing my organs where falling out and leaking on the floor, I thought my eyes where melting out and that’s probably the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.

  16. is it weed or not becoz weed its ielgal here my thought weed make u stoned 420 cypress hill to get stoned potestad palceres pasajeros word of wisdom castidad blasphemia it has 7 leafs maryujuana

  17. Yeah Seth is right. I felt like I was going to die twice. Never messing with edibles again.

    Second time I was pacing in my room for 5 hours straight. Half an edible made me waaayyy too hyper. And at a point in time I mentally said to myself "okay I need to sit down". And my body responded 5 minutes later and sat down. Like wtf. I smoke to relax not to be wired on energy

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