The Hazy Legalization of Marijuana in Thailand

On June 9, Thailand became the first country in Asia—and only the third in the world, after Canada and Uruguay—to decriminalize …


  1. Hello there 🤚. Just wondering if someone know any special Thai sort for me to try ? Been smoking for almost 40 years. I’m going back to Thailand soon and I don’t want to be running around searching for something that I maybe can get an answer here. Thanking for all answers 🙏. Nicke from Sweden 🇸🇪

  2. I maybe late to post this, BUT I'm so glad I lucky guess Thailand with my girlfriend for our next holiday destination the following month. I can't wait. Well done Thailand, respect

  3. C'est une excellente vidéo, j'apprends beaucoup en regardant vos vidéos et cela m'a été utile. Construire un revenu stable est assez difficile pour les débutants. Merci à M. winston rufus d'avoir amélioré mes critères. continue comme ça.

  4. wow with how magical Thailand already is…

    i very much look forward to what will he achieved with that medicine for the soul.


  5. My thoughts are that if you are taking something which isn't harming anyone, people should not put their nose into it. If I smoke weed in my house, chilling with my homies, enjoying life, and your father's money is not involved in my enjoyment, or if it's not harming you or any other people, no one has the right to stop me. People aren't forcing anyone to smoke something, they are just enjoying their life in the room. So who the hell are those people who tells us something is legal or illegal. God created this beautiful plant and someone sitting inside an air-conditioned room with bodyguards around them tells that this is illegal, that is illegal, etc. Who gave them the power?? If you don't want to take something, no one is forcing you. Just don't try to control other people's lives.

  6. The more I have thought about it, the more I believe that drugs should be legalized. I see no evidence that prohibition has worked either now or in the past to stop drug use or make society safer. In fact, by driving it underground, drugs becomes less safe, more criminalized, and more damaging to communities and more expensive in jail and enforcement costs. If someone could present a rational argument on how prohibition is effective, I'd listen. But I see it as a failure. It's also pointless to legalize some drugs but not others.

  7. Marijuana is a miracle plant that has many uses. Marijuana should not be smoked, instead, it should be eaten by removing the small twigs and seeds and rubbing the resin in your palm with the thumb and chewing it thoroughly to get a beautiful high. Smoking causes lung problems. Marijuana is not addictive. Marijuana oil has also cured nose cancer. The larger leaves are used in making delicious mutton soup. You get a beautiful orgasm in sex when high on marijuana. Govts must make smoking it a criminal offence and legalise it for cooking, eating and medicinal purposes. Legalising it will eradicate much of the other dangerous chemical drugs that are killing people. Better to eat ganja than alcoholism which destroys families

  8. Thailand became the capital weed city of Asia. The quality keeps improving everyday and new strains are popping up with good qualities and really nice mixed terps.

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