The TRUTH About Patagonia’s New Material

Patagonia recently released a Hemp clothing line as part of an effort to diversify their range of materials. Watch as we break down …


  1. Hey everyone! This was our first ever video on this channel but it unfortunately got age-restricted/demonetized after posting. In celebration of 100k subscribers (what!!!) we've reshot this and reuploaded without any explicit material. Thanks for 100k!! 🎉🎉

  2. Hemp is great but to add recycled plastic to it is inane! Hemp is eco friendly BUT once you've added plastic in the mix every time you wash it you are washing plastic into our water surplus

  3. NO NO NO my friend lets stick with comparing apples to apples.(Ya know m since this is about plants) If you are going to talk about CO2 then do it for both because we know that the cotton plant also sucks up CO2 as do all plants.
    SO seems like some subterfuge on your part…..I call number 4 tie for CO2

  4. I'm moving over away from cotton clothes. I own several Patagonia clothing items that are 20+ years old, and they all look and wear like they newly made. Expensive clothing back then but their items last decades where most others last a few years at best. Patagonia founder should run for president of the USA, can't do any worse than these geriatric Lilly white dinosaur men that are driving humanity to extinction….don't worry about the planet….it'll be fine…when we aren't here to tear it up…

  5. Well-cared-for 100% hemp textiles can last a hundred years, and like linen, get softer over time. My name is on SO MANY petitions to legalize commercial hemp farming that have come around in the last two decades. 😂

  6. Imagine if WR Hearst would have owned hemp fields rather than forests? We wouldn't have to look at clear cuts or all The Reefer Madness Propaganda. Of course there might be something to lessening pot legal problems to keep the natives from getting too restless and paying attention to The MIC, how the 2 party system isn't much different than good/bad cop, etc. That said I have a Patagonia Barn/Ranch Coat. It's comfortable/soft/durable beyond compare. Yes the original investment is quite a bit more than Carhart but there is no comparison. Next Bamboo?

  7. Flax linen and hemp fibers have a very similar structure and material content, but flax linen fibers tend to be smaller diameter which feels softer to the human skin. (the finer/smaller the fiber, the more soft it feels and conversely the thicker the fiber, the more coarse it feels. This is why mulberry silk feels so soft to the touch, because it is a ridiculously thin diameter fiber).

    Both are pretty "eco" compared to most other materials, though hemp gets a slight edge in that for needing less water and growing faster.

    The nice thing about hemp and linen fibers is that they are hollow. This facilitates a couple of interesting properties. They feel fairly warm when they are dry (especially linen since they are smaller fibers. The smaller the fiber, the more air it can trap/still potentially), but when they are wet, they are very cooling while not feeling as soaked as say cotton. Having less material, they also dry a bit faster than cotton and other cellulose based solid fibers. But more importantly, they feel dryer faster because that moisture is wicked to the inside and then out through that hollow, absorbent "straw" type structure.

    Waxed linen and hemp garments make great cold weather clothing, and unwaxed linen and hemp make great hot weather clothing.

  8. I was randomly rewatching and wanted to say it's more accurate and less dehumanizing to say "enslaved people" rather than "slaves." Someone told me a couple of years ago, and it made a lot of sense! I wanted to spread it along

  9. Cotton is frankly abusive when it comes to water. And it’s often grown in arid lands (like the Great Plains) that then rely on heavy irrigation from wells, draining underground acquifers in an unsustainable way. I pretty much won’t buy cotton clothing anymore for that reason, despite the environmental issues that plague other fibers as well.

  10. In practice @ patagonia you are LYARS

    12.9-oz 55% industrial hemp/27% recycled polyester/18% organic cotton

    Only 55% is HEMP !

    Why do you do this, because you want me to rebuy and rebuy because you KNOW 100% HEMP clothes would last 100 YEARS !

    NEXT !

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