Will CBD Cause me to Lose my Gun Rights?

Today’s question: Do over-the-counter CBD products cause you to lose your gun rights? What about Delta-8? Marijuana?


  1. I used to take CBD gummies for my pain and anxiety last year, but I failed a drug screen for a job, not for THC but for Cannabis. Depending on how they test some organizations make no difference in CBD derived from Hemp or Cannabis with high levels of THC it is the same in their eyes.

  2. There's a small, but significant minority of marijuana users develop psychosis and/or aggressive behavior. About 25% of new psychotic patients are daily pot smokers. If youve ever seen one of these patients, they are absolutely frightening. States with legal marijuana need to test and regulate the THC levels. I can't believe the state doesn't mandate testing of CBD products for THC. The current climate makes doctoring vaping and oral CBD products with THC or other illegal substances very easy. Until someone gets a positive drug test or gets sick, nobody is going to complain.

  3. I know many people who used CBD products extensively while on probation, and have never seen it cause a positive for THC (always buy from a reputable source). If this happens I would suggest immediately requesting a laboratory test to confirm, as it is likely a false positive. If I had to guess as to why this happens, I'd say that the people who tested positive likely bought delta-8 or 10 THC, THC-O, or another novel form of THC by mistake. Even in those cases, I'd suggest getting a laboratory test and taking it to court, as it is not Delta-9 THC and is legal to the letter of the law 👍

  4. To complicate things further……Delta 8, 9, 10, etc products are considered legal at both the state and federal level because they contain less than 0.3% THC and are derived from hemp. However, they do contain other molecules that will break down in the body to the same metabolites as you would get from classic THC use. Which means if you use Delta THC products (legal), you will test positive on all drug tests…Urine, hair, nails, everything.

  5. Is texas white sage brush illigal to posses & have on one's property tx.

    Texas rage weed, tx.hemp tx.white sahe-brush : tx. Non Marijuana, non-cbd.tx.

  6. Who's pushing, Fentanyl, for pain relief? Big Pharma,? Big Alcohol? Law Enforcement? All of the above ?,and how long, will Prohibition last? All so , Discrimination and Racism, affects All of Us, directly or indirectly.

  7. Big Pharma, and the Alcohol Industry, and Law enforcement, all work with Lobbies, for different reasons, discrimination is probably the biggest one, A [minority law] where the only ones prosecuted are certain groups of people, charged, in [specific circumstances], unless you're targeted.

  8. You don't want to be taken to court by a prosecutor and proven wrong. And yes, they can certainly flip the law on you. Just stay away from anything that could be labeled "Mind Altering" by a prosecutor.

  9. You have to wonder, how many laws you "break" every day without even knowing it.

    My goodness government makes it difficult to be a basically honorable, morally upright citizen. Too many "gotchas."

  10. Always been curious, why on the form 4473 it specifically calls says Marijuhana and not simply illegal drugs in general? Seems weird to be so specific.

  11. It's going to be interesting when this bumps up against the constitution with constitutional carry. We have to be aware of the Medical Industrial Complex that governments have found useful in controlling the public out of fear.

  12. This brings up a question about growing medical marijuana. My understanding is that the laws for growing not only change frequently, but they also vary fairly widely from state to state and even county to county within the same state. Now, I’m not sure where Texas stands on this subject, but with my limited understanding of it in certain states, I think I remember hearing something about the qualifications required to obtain the license to grow sometimes consists of growing for your own usage (to prescribe meds for your own ailments), but other times consists of growing for some patient other than yourself. Now, I imagine growing for your own meds would certainly revoke your rights, but I wonder about growing for a patient, because although not the patient nor user, said grower would obviously have this controlled substance in his/her possession…?

  13. As a pharmacist, I have looked into CBD products. I believe that it was the 2014 Farm Bill that created the definition for CBD. It allows up to 0.3% THC, as I remember. There is also a push to get Congress to change this to 0.5%.

  14. The VA has been pushing me to try CBD oil, it feels like a trick to get me on it and then when the day comes it's outlawed they've already got me on record of having used it and they've got all the ammunition they need to strip me of my rights.

  15. So yeah, all it will take is one TRAITOROUS poltician to sign a law making cbd oil illegal federally and BAM, all gun owners that is it are felons overnight.

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