1. Well i used benzo for almost 6 to 7 years i was an addict i used to eat 15 pills 1 mg daily and weeeds one day i got into jail and then it happens i lose countrol i was sweating having the worst headaches my heart was coming into my mouth and then seizures came and i lost my memory it took 2 months to recover and back to my senses and i can assure you all that it was the worst days of my life.

  2. I got addicted to Xanax, it lasted only a couple of months (around 4/5), i get over the physical abstinence in like a month, tho I still have cravings sometimes, especially when I'm anxious

  3. Hi I’ve come off Valium 5mg but every night my heart races and my breathing gets shallow for no reason and my throat feels tight feels like a pill in stuck in my throat or like my throat is closing. I’m concerned about this???

  4. Wrong! NO WAY it’s only a week you’ve obviously never had to withdraw from benzos bud .. the withdrawal can take years and it’s because
    it’s literal brain damage caused by down regulation of GABA receptors .. I’m 6 years out and I don’t crave it for nothing .. just thinking of that hell I had to go through is enough to make me not even think about benzos .. there are no cravings it’s literal effing withdrawal symptoms dude

  5. I've taken Xanax for 7 years straight prescribe by my doctor I quit cold turkey I notice fast heart rate and my brain won't shut down but other then that I actually feel way better , and have never craved xanax

  6. Get help from a facility? Are you kidding? They don't know how to get people off the meds. They do a quick cold turkey in days. It should be a slow taper over a long period of time..

  7. Trust me he’s bang on my first week was coke I was hallucinating I wanted sleep but couldn’t I kept thinking I am going to die and death and what’s after death non stop full grade panic attack weak I never ate full 7 days I w take methadoen that didn’t even toutch the sides!!!!

  8. It's NOT CRAVING!!!!! The VAST majority are taking them as PRESCRIBED by a doctor…. IT IS NOT A WEEK OR LESS…. WTF is wrong with you???? It too me almost 3 years to recover from short term Ativan use.

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