1. dude i been smoking for 15 years straight! taking 3 or 4 bowl hits every 35 min! 24/7! and recently i been spitting black stuff and my head hurts and my lugs burn and idk whats next… im screwed… in not going to the doctor

  2. It all depends. How the environments of where the plants that and how it was taken care of from day one till it’s package and till the day it’s sold. It could’ve been flushed wrong it could’ve been in an environment where it’s full of hair flying around. It could’ve been outdoors or bugs get in between the flower as it’s growing some people use bugs indoors bug poop in the flower. It could’ve been packaged wet or dry as f.. it could’ve been re-labeled, and the harvest date can be changed It could be anything yes, you can get cancer from smoking shitty weed

  3. I do believe how much smoke and harsh it is may play a role…. Actual flower (buds) seems to contain more tar as opposed to pure thc/Cbd concentrate… as long as you are smoking softly/easily and not coughing every time you puff, you should be fine….but remember! NO SMOKE SHOULD BE IN OUR BODIES, PERIOD! Be warned !

  4. Does marijuana(devil weed) cause crator(black-hole) cancer? Id say socially and globally its protective in entirety but with all the no smoking signs tobacco might be ill advised after all the people killed out of predjudice on tobacco smoking similar to desecration of a grave isnt protective of a tomb and with everynation inherited from our elders and deceased forfathers a change of direction might be advised as tobacco helped cause the death of our global population already and is stale and rude at this point. Coming from a tobacco smoker. Besides the chemical composition.

  5. So many weed lovers started this self proclaimed idea that "weed is not harmful, it is cigarette and alcohol which is harmful" …. This is the most stupid sentence….. In fact all three are equally harmful in different aspects

    If u rate the harm level this is how it goes

    Social harm – alcohol (9/10), cigarette (5/10), weed(8/10)

    Psychiatric harm – alcohol (8/10), cigarette (5/10), weed(10/10)

    Faster to get addicted – alcohol (5/10), cigarette (10/10), weed (7/10)

    Physical health harm- alcohol (6/10), cigarette (10/10), weed(8/10)

    Total score of harming potential
    Alcohol – 28/40
    Cigarette – 30/40
    Weed- 33/40

  6. List of diseases that are potentially caused by weed smoking

    1. COPD – Chronic bronchitis, emphysema

    2. Heart diseases – heart attack, heart failure, heart rate abnormalities, gangrenous diseases

    3. Hypertension (high BP)

    4. Infertility


    6. Stroke

    7. Acute cannabis poisoning leading to heart attack, acute psychosis, cardiac arrest

    8. Vehicle accidents due to impaired coordination

    9. Psychiatric illness- anxiety disorder, depression, amotivational syndrome, schizophrenia (very worst outcome)

    10. ENT – sensory ear deafness

    11. Lung infections – TB, aspergillus fungus, bronchiectasis, lung abscess

    12. Cancers – oral, throat, lung, oesophagus

    13. Cannabis use before 18 – reduced brain development leading to low IQ than expected

    YOU MAY GET ANY OF THESE… Even if you escape from one, the other one will chase you if you continue to do weed thinking that weed is not harmful

  7. My friend smoked cannabis daily for 3-4 yrs(from age 21-25) and then he was diagnosed with emphysema and two years after that he was diagnosed with lung cancer and he died at 29 due to respiratory failure…… He regretted the fact that everyone told cannabis is not harmful which is the biggest life changing LIE …….. Smoking CANNABIS or anything causes PREMATURE DEATH

    Smoking anything (whether it is tobacco or weed or cocaine or heroin or opium) can cause lung, throat, mouth, oesophageal cancer because smoke is a combustion (oxidation) product which can trigger inflammation, irritation, injury to the cells continuously …

    Please WAKE UP guys cannabis smoking is definitely more injurious to health (heart, lung, psychiatric health) … In fact more than cigarettes ….. Say no to both

    Most ppl are living in a falsely proclaimed myth that cannabis smoking is good for health (absolutely no).

    Don't land up in a situation where you get locked up in dead end….. Cannabis definitely causes emphysema andCOPD and that's a progressive dead end with no cure

  8. Why don't just use dry herb vapourizers? You eliminate all tar, carbon monoxide and carcinogens generated by the combustion. And you don't burn away 30% of the THC and CBD content. And it is also very discrete without any strong odours.

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