The Disturbing Reason Marijuana Was Made Illegal

The re-legalization of recreational marijuana is something that’s been evolving very quickly over the past decade, and as of …


  1. I rescued an addicted POT HEAD. He would sit around his home, roll his ass to the tv before remotes and do nothing. I convinced him to work on weekends with me. He started to wake up because he couldn't smoke all damn day and he liked the money. Why do you think Americans are so damn stupid. DRUGS!

  2. I am a strong proponent and enjoy a little after a long day myself but I gotta say some of the propaganda in this video about propaganda is kind of bad. Everything is te hnically true but I gotta day 100 grams of heroin compared to 100 plants of marijuana like dude do u know how many grams of pot that is? Even after cured and dried properly its way way over 100 grams of marijuana lol. Also got to add that the real reason the ppl who started the pushing for banning and technically behind the bill to make it illigal (specifically the stamp act) did so because they wanted hemp to be illigal so the lumber and cotton industry didn't get replaced by something way better. One more thing. Alot of the stuff pushed by the ppl right now to make it federally legal is kind of crazy. Like not having an age use limit like alcohol/tobacco and no specifications on how its grown and what nots. Once they fix the bills I'm all for it but I haven't seen ir heard of them doing anything.

  3. Los Angeles has become less dangerous as a result of being able to buy Marijuana from an entrepreneur, not a criminal gang. Mota, Marijuana, has recently been considered, by the Federal government, to be rescheduled from category I to that of category III.

  4. I live in a state where our governor wants to bring back mass incarceration for petty offenses such as possession of pot. This is backed by religious groups. I don't smoke weed but feel my body is my business. Time to move where it's legal

  5. Marijuana, according to this video, was made illegal due to HATE and INTOLERANCE. The American white racists did not like Mexican migrant workers who smoked marijuana, so they make it illegal. Marijuana is stronger than cocaine and heroin? Yeah right. And I believe in the tooth fairy. I have had a wonderful relationship with Mary Jane for the last 41years. No regrets.

  6. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.”

    “Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did,” – John Ehrlichman

  7. We shouldn’t have blamed drugs we should’ve blamed the individuals if we would have done that we would have already realized it was a mistake bringing 3rd world citizens into a developed nation.

  8. Living in California, I love making cannabutter or cannaoil so I can use it in my food. It helps me with the pain, helps with my anxiety issues and I am a lot more active. Thank God for it.

  9. In Argentina is used as "defense" in the war of power they are the Police in the O. I had to quite more than an year, i was never an addict and now im slave of knew consumers in the guetto of my nibhood. My friends moved to the mountains to dry climate, we have a similar place in Córdoba just like Humboldt in California, just to smoke free because we are over 40ties and they need ganja to avoid stress, nightmares, nerve diseaces and chronical rage and hate. Best choice dont smoke after 30, i could quit but its an year of hell an torture, and you never are free again.🤘🤙

  10. It was made illegal because the government likes to make anyone their n***3r since they can't own slaves anymore. It was to fuel the prison industrial complex. They used racism with the dumdum tater salad masses to get it passed. Anyone who still perpetuates these laws is a traitor to the american people, humanity, and nature. It is our american DUTY to uphold the constitution, fight turannical law, and quell the traitors whether they be citizens, military, government, or foreign. I'm nobody's n***3r, and I will use 2a in self defense on anyone who tries to make me one.

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