Will Pa. Gun-Owners Have To Give Up Their Firearms To Get Medical Marijuana?

Pennsylvania State Police officials are stirring up protest among Pennsylvania gun-owners who are also potential medical …


  1. This is unconditional we have let them go too far we must fight back for our freedoms they have already taken and not give one more inch on any new attempts to dissarm us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. John here, from Chambersburg, PA….. 48yrs old, Private Contractor by trade and a Recovered Heroin Addict since 2007…..Im so blessed….yet, I can't afford medical prices or the card since I lost work and wages since March Covid Lockdown….. I cant afford black market much longer either…..
    Just last week, Drug Task Force raids my home after pinching my cousin for thefts, who is a heavily known actively using addict…. Begs me for 3 freagn days to hook him up with an oz…. Ive BEGGED him to try concentrates….Its what SAVED MY LIFE AND HAS KEPT ME HEROIN-FREE FOR PAST 13 YEARS…..I DID 4.5Yrs in prison as a result of my 2007 arrest. I've been off parole going on 5 years, now. I work harder and I have a home, family , kidz and grandkidz, just like EVERYONE else…..and I am far from what I once was for a short devastating part of my life, when I was first introduced to heroin in 2004. I carry much shame and guilt and paid a dear price with my life….I am far removed from that time in my life, but NEVER forgotten….
    I decided when Covid-19 hit, and with all of the media hyping the event coupled by the riots, i thought NOW might be a good time to learn hydroponics…..i can grow ANYTHING, From lettuce to peas, and other viney veggies as well as cannabis , which if and when the all-mighty dollar FAILS, I just may have something worth its weight in GOLD, to trade and barter with, in times of NEED……I spent 18hrs a day, since March, learning how to propagate, clone, veg and bloom cannabis, I had just mastered the craft as a true ARTISAN able to grow the ABSOLUTE Dankest and most potent flower I have ever had the privilege to taste…..I had absolutely phenomenal phenos of a clone-only Headband strain and my prized Cherry Cookies and Cherry Cookie Silver, that I bred myself…..I had one ready to harvest and one 3 wks from harvest and all others were clones in veg with some new clones and new seedlings of Gelato, and King of Hearts…..i was literally getting ready to sort the males and get my next 2 stongest winners for my next bloom phase………I only had a 3×3 tent for veg and a 4×4 tent for bloom….4 plants maximum, was the most I could grow at any one time…..and they mask up and smash my door in an steal all my plants, all my lights, all my fans and filters and bust all my rigs and bongs in my yard into tiny glass peices for my kidz to walk on…..all becuz I smoke pot….NEED pot…and it is what keeps me SANE
    …. now im facing a 15-30yr sentence, all because i wanted so badly to save a life like it saved mine……
    Im in AWE….and have NEVER felt so betrayed and violated in ALL my years and this whole time, I've never been more proud of myself……..smh, in disbelief…..I am truly feeling hopeless and abandoned as this should have NEVER , EVER been allowed to happen……my history of where I've been and how far ive come, speaks for itself……I know better than TO SELL DRUGS, this time, i beleived I was helpn to save a life and we all know it isn't free…..im so dissappointed in myself, its beyond shame……
    If anyone knows ANYONE who may be able to help me, I would surely appreciate it…..Thank You for your KINDNESS !
    I beleive that ANY life, is worth saving….
    I can be contacted at jappleby1972@yahoo.com

  3. Greetings I ran across this issue today. About two months ago I got cleared for a medical marijuana card and today I went to the gun shop to try to purchase a hand gun and I was inform that I could not purchase the gun because of the card. I was told that I would have to surrender one of the cards and of course I want to surrender my medical marijuana card. The problem I am having is searching on my state website here in Pennsylvania there is no information on how to surrender my medical marijuana card. I see information for other states but not for mine can you give any advice on this issue?

  4. Dont give up your guns people its are God given right to own them. They want to take them away so we wont protect ourselves the day the FDA does a massive crackdown on the states the day marijuana get legalized in every state.

  5. So if you drink alcohol you'll have no problem turning in your car(s), right? Oh, alcoholics are ALL non-violent & can keep their weapons, yet the MEDICAL Rx pot-smoking community must turn in their guns? WHAT? I think someone's had one too many drinks when they dreamt this shit up!

  6. What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? What is the real reason to take the guns from people because they use marijuana? Most of not all peope that use marijuana,are not violent. So why is this an issue?

  7. Alcoholics are 100 times more likely to use his/ her gun than a pot smoker. But the lawmakers are drunks not weed smokers. There should be an age limit on lawmakers. These 80 year old lawmakers are out of touch with reality

  8. So essentially they are saying “Here is one right (heavily regulated) but, you have to give up your constitutional right.” 🐴 💩. How about if your caught blitzed outa your mind with your firearm and improper care being taken with your firearm then they take a glance at that idiot that would do that, but just give up the right to protect anyone and everyone around me and most importantly my family… nah ain’t happening.

  9. The STATE has deemed medical marijuana legal. So it is no different than a prescription of oxycontin or xanax. You can own a gun with those medicines and those medicines make you lose your mind. The doctors hand out SSRIs like they are candy, and these are the types of medicines that are found in 90% of mass shooters, yet you are allowed to own a gun while taking those as well.

    So if the STATE has deemed medical marijuana as legal, then the STATE police should be enforcing STATE law. The STATE police are not FEDERAL police, so why would they ignore approved STATE legislature and protect FEDERAL law?

  10. No quite frankly this is the stupidest gun grab I've ever heard of when we support substances 10 times more intoxicating then marijuana ever will be! Another plan to disarm America meanwhile China and Russia are working on a new version of the AK-47. But they want to take American Rights! A person that smokes marijuana is no danger to anyone but their refrigerator! Drink a fifth of alcohol and see how stupid you get how many people die every night because of drunk driving? How many people have been shot because of a drunk? The only reason there is any criminal activity around cannabis is because our country is stuck in prohibition of it leaving criminals to distribute it! Now they want to take your rights away because you use marijuana when alcohol so many pills I can't even name cause 10 times more damage then cannabis ever will yet they keep their guns! President Trump needs a sign an executive order legalizing it Federal level Nationwide and not losing our weapons under any circumstances. Unless they are mentally ill seriously mentally ill and are considered a threat or a felon they have no right to take away our 2nd Amendment! Do these people not realize that the black market for cannabis will expand if they do not legalize It?
    People have come to their senses realized the dangers between alcohol and marijuana! You are more than likely to shoot or crash your vehicle into somebody under the influence of alcohol as history has proven how many deaths per night are contributed to alcohol? Now ask yourself how many have happened because of marijuana? If any not even 1%! And even if you survive your ride home drunk without killing anyone else or yourself you are slowly killing yourself either way liver stomach kidneys alcohol destroys! Marijuana has proven medical benefits has never killed anyone the plant itself or smoking it or eating it or any other form of it! You cannot overdose on marijuana! I can't tell you how many of my friends have died from drinking and driving or the long-term effects on their liver stomach and multiple other organs! The stupidity of drunks is unmatched by anything! They will say all of this until a marijuana user with a gun saves your life! When a alcoholic is more likely to take the life of your family's or friends! For the truth to come out it would take somebody to stand up in front of Congress willing to go to jail because they will not stop speaking the truth until it gets through the politicians heads! Get me in front of Congress and I will argue this fact even if it cost me time in jail! I've watched family and friends die both from the use of alcohol or by the hand of a drunk driver! I have never heard of marijuana shutting down a person's organs nor have I had any friends killed by somebody who smokes pot! Either buy a gun or buy a car are by the substance itself! With 50000 uses 90 days to grow one acre instead of 10 years for 1 acre of trees at four times the pulp or yield and more versatile than any other plant or tree on this Earth! There is also 500 plus medical benefits! The US government owns a patent on marijuana what does that tell you?
    They know it has its benefits! 50000 products now think of how many jobs that would create Nationwide! Medically helping Millions of people more than big Pharmaceutical! With a safer medication! For the safety of the people and the benefits both medically and economically I would gladly stand in front of Congress and tell them the real truth! The three biggest contributors to keeping marijuana illegal Alcohol,Tobacco,big Pharmaceutical that should say it all! It's all about$$$$ not the people not their well-being realize that if you were to legalize us Nationwide you would create millions of jobs give Farmers a more versatile crop and be able to produce more product in 90 days for thousands of products then in 10 years of growing trees at a quarter of the yield and not even a quarter of the product that could be made from it! Another thing people should look up is how much carbon monoxide cannabis filters in comparison to trees everybody's worried about global warming well did you know it takes only a few plants and you can filter more carbon monoxide out of the air then a whole tree! To top it off could literally rebuild our economy! This is common sense Alcohol Tobacco big Pharmaceutical take more lives every year then marijuana has ever taken in its history! Productivity would go up jobs taxing would create funding for every state! We can also control it just like cigarettes or alcohol. The problem is Big pharmaceutical tobacco and alcohol will lose billions of dollars in the first month! They know it and if you think something that is killing Americans daily destroying their bodies AKA alcohol! Or big Pharmaceutical with more warnings of side effects then it actually works on! Top that off with tobacco which almost everybody in America hates now second hand smoke or even the smokers causing cancer and many other problems like COPD did you know cigarettes have arsenic in them there are more poisons in tobacco than tobacco all of them added by the industry! People really need to wake up and look at the real poisons in America! I want to know even one American that has not lost a friend or a family member to one of these three substances Alcohol,Tobacco,big Pharmaceutical? If you say you know no-one you are a liar! If you think you're one of those people I suggest you look up your friends that I've been killed by drunk drivers? Almost everyone in America knows at least one person that Alcohol Tobacco or big Pharmaceutical has ultimately killed!

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