Avoid These Mistakes When Shipping Cannabis Clones in the Mail

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  1. Weed has been in a sense decriminalized in Austin for what seems like at least 15 to 20 years! I lived there for 10 years and it was decriminalized long before I got there. It’s actually where I even learned that weed was normal and what for 420 meant! Ever heard of keep Austin weird? You can totally be yourself in that city. It’s amazing.

  2. Considering the position that the Dude Grows Show is. Mayhaps you should start taking the reigns and take lead insted of just talking about it. Take them to court on lawsuit. Unless , ofcourse theyre paying your bills….
    This is exactly the type of thing Dude Grows needs to be pursuing.

  3. Also. The area I’m in, prohibition land / east coast, the local law enforcement is “not interested in” small indoor home growers. They are interested in people who have different cars in their driveway, in and out, all day and night. And plants grown in abundance out doors. I.e. if you are not noticeable and not stealing water or power, your good. They don’t advertise this policy, but have let certain people (ex law enforcement, now retired with active crones disease who may or may not have a brother and/or friend who supplies him with a oft misunderstood herbal medication) know this is their on going policy as long as this person is chief of police. I am now uncertain that this pertains to todays discussion, but I have been informed many local authorities do not actively seek out home growers who keep their operations on the DL.

  4. I do believe that is a scam letter @Scotty. I got a couple of emails that looked and sounded basically the same. Looks official, piques your interest (what the hell could this be? Or Oh. Shit! What the hell has J.R. Sent me in a torn envelope?). But look close and it doesn’t have an official post office mine didn’t have any actual names, just titles.
    If people call, they tell them someone sent them ….what ever, something of quality or not to much, but enough value.…. But the package is damaged. Then they tell you for a fee of $25 of so, they can replace the box with a new one and send it on to you.
    Then there is one where you were sent “perishable” products. And then tell you you can settle the matter by paying a small fine and the local law enforcement doesn’t need to be involved. If you pay the fine.
    Just be careful when you get shit like this. If there isn’t a “real” persons name to contact. A local post office address, etc. do not reply. Or reply and let them know, you know, it’s a scam

  5. 53:57 I’m a home flower farmer. I have some land in another state I plan on building a larger operation for fresh cut flowers. I’m just now growing cannabis for the first time. I currently live in Hawaii, trying to save money where I can buy growing some of my own.

  6. When an illegal item is found at ups, they notify the law. From there the law instructs ups on what to do . Either call the customer to the center and accept the package, from there its busted time . The other way is. Pig will dress and drive the ups getup . The pig will make this a signed for package only

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    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

  8. I lose seeds sent to Australia all the time! Past 2 yrs I am 1 for 4 on receiving seeds. They are often well packaged too. They don't say anything you just see the package stop in the first point that it lands in Australia, some tracking actually says in customs for inspection (which never updates)

  9. Austin is leenint but not smoking blunt in cops face leenint though. Well, maybe on the east side or far South side where the major drugs are pumped and gang activity is high then probably yes but that's more community policing not there for a crime because there are some cool ass cops in town. During Marley Fest and the major musical festivals it's a yes too because they typically don't touch anyone at ACL or SXSW very chilled approach. It's really a mild California shift foreal leftist and liberal heavy in a traditional far right dominant area, that's why it's still harsh punishment handing out unless you can lawyer up. I was raided 20 yrs back but groups of individuals also marched in front of known crack dealer's house's chanting they wanted drugs gone from town…..lol

  10. This whole Gerrymandering with the voting lines is just as clear in cannabis as it is in the Jim Crow racist laws. 80% of the citizens believe it should be legal but we still have these games. The voting system as a whole in this country is rigged not the damn machines.

  11. What they’ve done in Georgia is what they tried to do in Ohio about 6 years ago and got shot down. Ohio still isn’t great, but definitely seems better than Georgia. Ouch. 2 processors of legal cannabis. The games being played are completely ridiculous and unjust. I don’t know how we keep standing for this ish.

  12. Memes, The DNA of the soul. Everything Grambo said about memes and Richard Dawkins i learned from Metal Gear Rising Revengence 🤣🤣🤣

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