Seizures in Dogs – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment | Southeast Veterinary Neurology

A seizure is an abnormal burst of electrical activity in the brain. The cells that make up the brain, neurons, communicate with each …


  1. My girl has been diagnosed since she was 10mths old with epilepsy and was having up to 30 seizures a day, she's 7yrs old now and still having monthly clusters we've tried every combination and strength of medication possible but she doesn't seem to move off around 12 to 14 in 24hrs once a month I'm thankful it's not the number it was but I'd love her to have none unfortunately that's the best I think she's gonna have it she's a beautiful jack russell I won't stop fighting for her with everything I have ❤

  2. My dog, english bulldog, all of a sudden stopped eating or drinking . After all the tests done doctors have not found anything abnormal. I am my witts end. He has been pacing, walking in circles and now and is having problems walking. His limbs are getting weaker. He goes to the food bowl and water bowl but never takes anything in. I.have to force feed him with a syringe with soft food and also give him water with syringe.

    Any insight you can provide would be so appreciated. I live in winnipeg, Manitoba Canada and it has been suggested by the vets here that i drive to Saskatchewan to be seen by a neurological doctor. Which is 7 hours by car. Its impossible for me to do. Any advice you can provide will be so appreciated.

  3. My 14 year old pug Jolly Molly was put on liquid Baytril to prevent secondary infection from trachael collapse and present gag cough and had two seizures when on the liquid med for 4 days and stopped all meds. Thank you for the info – appreciate

  4. This is so helpful. Well explained and easy to follow and understand. You are a great educator! My dog had a seizure today (first time) and your video provided a great overview and everything I needed to know. Thank you Doctor!

  5. Thank you for this! My Frenchie had. Seizure last year after the vet gave him Simpirica. A few months later he had what another vet at the same office called a Focal seizure while he was in his office. Neither vet even offered to test him. He has a more severe one the other day. I think it’s time to find a new veterinary clinic.😢

  6. We have a Spaniel with rage disorder caused by seizures. We've kept it really well controlled without medication though, and she's young so she still has to be spayed. I hope getting her spayed will reduce or get rid of them.

  7. My dog only has seizures when he's in a situation that causes him high anxiety, so far at the vet and groomer. I'm reluctant to medicate daily versus just removing stressors.stressor. He is almost 3, first one was experienced at approximately 1.5 years of age.

  8. My Border Collie started having seizures when she was just over a year old and she is now almost three. She has been taking levetiracetam, Phenobarbital, and Potassium Bromide at one point all three at the same time. Currently she is no longer taking the levetiracetam but is still taking the other 2. She has had periods where she has gone 40 days without having a seizure and recently had one on the 2nd of Jan, another on the 12th of Jan and then one on the 24th. I'm wondering if there is another possible drug that might be able to stabilize the frequency going forward ?

  9. I couldn’t afford to have my dog to get necropsy and I cannot figure out what happened to him. He was perfectly healthy 3 years old. Got lose at 3 am let him inside he laid in bed with me at 4.15am he sat up and just stared at me funny entire body shaking, was stumbling, etc he drank some water and seizure lasted entire night until he passed. It was the most heartbreaking experience I’ve ever had to deal with.

  10. My dog has had a seizure and I need to take him to the vet you helped me know what to expect especially with this economy I feel at ease that it’s not as expensive as I thought it would be

  11. Thank you for breaking it down like you did. My Standard poodle has her 1st one 2 years ago this week. She seems to have about 10 a year. The first 2 she had (4 months apart) were well over 3 minutes. The rest have been about 2-3 min. Comes out of them very euphoric and happy. She just had one Dec 28th, 2022 and it was almost 8 minutes long. I know this because I try and video them in case my vet or anyone needs to see them. She is on 125mg Zonisamide twice a day. Anyway my point is that I very much appreciated your video. Valerie

  12. Doctor, I searched this seizure video to draw dog lovers' attention to a horrible crime that is occurring. As everyone knows, there are many abandoned, "starving" dog rescue video channels out there. Some are legitimate and others, particularly a couple out of Southeast Asia are extremely suspect. They are taking healthy dogs, or even truly sick "Stray" dogs, sometimes adult, and sometimes puppies, placing them in drugged states, followed by restraining them by tying their legs together and tying cords or ribbons around the animal's muzzle, and leaving them in STAGED horrible situations (partial drowning, trapped in tar, etc) in order to fake a rescue!  

    I lived in this part of the world for a brief period and no one takes the time to tie an animal's legs or muzzle together who intends to discard it. That is entirely too much trouble. Animals of any type that are no longer wanted are simply released outdoors, to become strays and fend for themselves. NO dog is EVER taken to a dump or to a trash pit, or to a river or placed inside a bag, and thrown in! Too much trouble! If animals are seen in videos where their legs have been tied together to portray the animal's former "owners as cruel and heartless" is in order to draw sympathy for the dog. The more they can exploit the viewer's love of dogs, the more money they can get people to send them!  

    In actuality, it was THEM who tied the dog's legs together and placed it into a river or a drainage ditch and then watched it freezing from hypothermia in the water while it shivered on camera to make the viewer feel more sadness for the poor defenseless animal. Shame! In any case, staged videos where the animal's limbs are restrained or the animal had been rubbed with mud or placed in trash dumps or tar pools, are tip-offs that the video is very likely staged and that the channel is guilty of a crime.

    The gullibility of the average Youtube viewer is allowing these heartless people to get rich.

    They are doing these fake videos because it is easy to fool viewers into sending them money; dollars which are allegedly then used to carry on their rescues of more abandoned animals. In many of the videos, the animal is seen clearly drugged or suffering seizures, and they are also seen experiencing anesthesia induced "chemical shivering" and pharmacy induced "muscle fasciculation."  

    It is outrageously unethical and inhumane to subject an animal to such cruelty in order to make money on a monetized Youtube channel. It is my hope that any suspicious animal rescue channels (several coming out of Vietnam and china) that have clear signs of having been STAGED, would be reported Immediately to Youtube!  

    I politely request that everyone who watches these often "emotionally charged" videos, watch with a keen eye to detail and watch skeptically. If something seems staged, REPORT THE VIDEO.  

    And for Pete's sake, DO NOT SEND MONEY to these channels! Even clicking on their channels and watching their fake videos only rewards them with riches for their heinous crimes.

    Thank you for spreading the word on this problem among your fellow professionals, Doctor.

  13. our dog got his first seizure within 24 hours of the ivermectin wormer at the 1 year old visit after speaking to experts they told us this is not good for our breed and he still has them 6yrs later when he eats cat food. He is an addict we can't keep him away from it as hard as we try.

  14. This is by far the best video explanation on seizures that I have found online. Thanks for sharing. Pet owners should have a good starting point after this explanation. Our 12 year old Dachshund had a seizure for the first time ever, this week.

  15. I wish we had such emergency treatment centres for dogs over here in India at my hometown. My dog is suffering from epilepsy. He is just 1 month old. And i seriously don't know what to do and how to make him alright. Pls tell me some good medicines and some natural treatments plss 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  16. y'all…its this damm bagged food we keep giving to our babies!!!! it's not monitored, nor tested!!!
    they tell us to go all-grain and grain-free only to have our little chi's such as above. I was with PetPlate for my baby boy and NEVER had these issues; my newest rescue chi has had too many vet visits to count including pseudopregnancy, fatty liver enzymes, and other hormonal imbalances. I have but my 2.5 lbs girl on chicken and brown rice. It my not be the "savory" flavoring promised on bags, but it saves my little girl from over-gimmicked marketing brands that's meant to entice us "FURPARENTS"

  17. My 9 year old cane corso x blue nose pit mix just had her first seizure. She peed herself, bit her lips so strongly blood came out and salivated a lot, the muscle contractions were also there and afterwards she seem out if it/confused and physically tired for a few minutes, she's been eating the same diet for months now and it hadn't happen before, I know she didn't eat something that could upset her like that. After seeing your amazing video I sense that it could be some sort of metabolic or brain issue, should I keep monitoring her and wait to take her to the vet if she has 2 or more seizures or should I take her as soon as I can even if it was just this once?

  18. What an amazing presentation doctor, thank you so much. My 14 months Beagle pup has started suffering from tremors and severe breathlessness recently and I was worried whether it is epilepsy. My vet doctor has prescribed Gardinal 15mg twice daily and now he's been fine for the last few weeks.

  19. My 3 year old Giant Schnoodle has been having seizures since November. Over the last month they've gotten worse and we ended up at the Emergency Vet due to not being able to control them with medication at home. We have an appointment scheduled with a neurologist in October. There are just so few animal neurologist out there. Thank you for taking the time to make this video. It's given me some peace of mind until I'm able to talk to a neurologist face to face.

  20. Thank you so much! Our 2 year old cat had a short seizure this morning, and we rushed her to hospital, where she's been kept for observations & bloodwork. While we sit on tenterhooks waiting for the clinic to call, your videos has provided clarity and (a bit of) calm. Thank you!

  21. Thank you so much, Doc, for the clear and thorough explanation. You don't know how much your videos mean a lot to us who live overseas with no specialist in the country. We are located in the Philippines and our doctors here have limited time explaining our dogs' test results. My 16 and half Japanese Spitz mix male intact dog (please don't judge, neutering is not common where we live) had his second seizure this year, this one took two hours continued seizure (he was responsive to my voice and very aware while he was having a seizure, teeth clenching, front limb paddling) until we reached the nearest emergency vet. We had just been to our regular vet a few hours before it happened. Our regular vet says he has low phosporous which is causing the seizure, and this was due to the ceistine stones (not blocked), and his platelet was borderline low also. All other blood and imaging tests came back normal (no head tumor showing in the xray, heart normal size, only mild arthritis on his left hind). The ER vet injected a strong sedative for the seizure which he responded well. We went home and the next day he was fine. But on the third day, he showed signs of vestibular disease (nystagmus, falling over, left head tilt and left head lameness and left paw knuckling).

    My question is, how is a seizure and signs of vestibular disease related? Can a dog have with a normal blood test results (except for the phosporous) have an inner ear infection?

    The ER vet thinks our regular vet might have been looking at the wrong direction (too much focus on the stones) despite the monthly follow up checkups we proactively do. I'm at loss I don't know how to proceed. He is walking again now with a head tilt but othewise normal and back in his happy self. Please help me, Doc. Thank you for your time.

  22. My 15 yo puggle just started having seizures recently. He's had two grand mals, both lasting about 5 minutes. One on 7/21 and one last night on 7/31. Both happened around the same time, 11:30pm, while he and we were asleep. The first one we rushed him to the emergency vet. They did bloodwork. Liver and kidney enzymes were a little elevated but nothing indicating it was the cause of the seizure. Last night same thing. He takes about 3 hours to calm down from them and go back to sleep. Temporary blindness, panting, pacing, disorientation. It's so heartbreaking for us. He's an old dog so getting an MRI is out of the question. Even if he has a brain tumor, there's nothing we can do to help him at this age. I am wondering if we should get him on anti-seizure meds if this continues to go on. He also developed EPI a few years ago. Before he hit 13 he was the healthiest dog ever.

  23. My pug is suspected to have a brain tumor however he's unable to be put under for an MRI due to his breathing. He has seizures, wobbly gait, "biting" at air and when doing the knuckling test, kept his paw flipped for almost a solid minute, so we knew sometbing was up. He's on medication for seizures, steroids and we recently added a third. It's helped, he's still mobile but I'm always worried he'll take a turn for the worse very quick.

  24. I have a chihuahua that has seizures 2 to 3 times a month and they last hours. Been this way for years. Had a catscan but not much was revealed. They seem to be getting more frequent. She has had 3 this week each one a couple days apart. And the average one 2 hours. Any suggestions

  25. My family recently lost our beloved dog, Buddy, after a sudden, prolonged seizure. I've been trying my best to understand exactly what happened to him, and this video helped me more than anything else on the internet. Thank you so much.

  26. Help! My dog is 1.5 years old a week ago he started to what seems like hallucinate it comes in the evenings around 8 or 9 pm. He hasn't had any seizures? But I did read about Fly Snapping syndrome? Blood work checked fine at the vets??? I"m so confused?

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