2023 BEST Beard Products! Oil, Butter, Wash, Conditioner, and more!

In this video I go over my best beard products for the year of 2023! Including beard oil, beard wash, beard butter, beard …


  1. you should make a list of best beard products that aren’t affiliates. year in and year out we know what’s going to be on here just bc you’re affiliated with them. love your videos and love your content, been following you for years and you have really helped me in my beard journey 😎

  2. Yo Dan c. Just a quick one.. is there a difference from day/night oil? Cause I see no difference apart from it’s an amazing marketing scheme for newbies such as myself..

  3. I love beard octanes butter, only thing that I dislike is coconut oil as the third ingredient. Some people love coconut oil, others breakout from it I assume based on skin type ie dry vs oily. It got on my neck a little bit a couple times at night and I broke out lol. I still love their butter though it’s so soft.

    Currently using Kuhn products kaolin clay butter, it’s absolutely amazing. Will likely be ordering Weatherbeard soon for my night time butter.

    Edit: I just checked out Johnnie-rays butter. These ingredients are insanely unique, I like that it’s only Shea butter and then this combination of unique oils.

  4. Hey Dan. I seem to have somewhere between a medium thin/thick beard at the moment. Would a beard oil like Artius man be helpful for holding it in place more, or might it make it too sticky or tacky for styling as you’ve previously mentioned, I don’t want to be pulling out beard hairs lol? Thanks

  5. Off all the beard company’s I have tried the number one in my list is beard octane badd ass beard care and mad viking I tried others like luxurious bastard but those scents to me were to strong and I don’t like the smell of tobacco and incense

  6. Hey Dan, loving your content. You recently recommended the seven potions beard oil and while looking I saw they had a beard balm, but after looking at your beard butter video it seems to me that the seven potions balm is closer to a butter. Just wondered if you’re had any experience with it and could confirm or deny my suspicions.

  7. Another great list this year!
    I can personally attest to:
    The Grower- this is an all-time top 3 scent in my household. My wife, daughter & I all REALLY like this one!
    The #8 Chicago comb- far & away the best comb in my collection. Hangs in my shower & gets daily use.
    Coshare drier- I thought it was a kinda weird recommendation from a beard channel but happened to be in the market for a new drier when Dan reviewed it earlier this year. Outstanding drying power.
    And as a daily balm user, I agree that Luxurious Bastard has some of the most firm balm available.

  8. I had bought the Chicago comb #8 comb, several months ago, after you had mentioned it in one of your other videos, at first I didn't even try it once I got it, because I didn't realize it was a much bigger comb than what I usually used, I finally decided to give it a try about a month ago in the shower comb my wash through my beard, than applying beard oil, I have to say, it's the only comb I'll use now, not to big that I feel it's useless when applying beard oil, but also big enough that it rarely ever pulls my beard like other combs do, it's perfect, Thank you and sorry this is so long.

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