1. I love everything new I learn and put into practice in my life. Out of so much information that is available now, I just want to mention the energy issue in all of this. We are electromagnetic Beings , and observers that affect all electromagnetic spectra through gravity. I understand very well all your analysis and Dr Cruz's , Laszlo , Polak , Lipton , Montanye ,,,, about our biochemical analysis and our interaction with sunlight and food that affect all our biology.
    I started with reprogramming the subconscious and after several repetitions I understood how important is what we think and say , the tonality of it and the vibration we create through commands and affirmations to us ,
    the combination with sunlight , grounding , water helped me even more for the most harmonious emission to me for optimal performance and understanding but also emission all of it .
    For that : Focused Human Attention creates compression of electric charge in the field constructive or destructive depending on what we emit.
    Thank you for the work you offer,

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