1. Offfffffffff corse there's a massive diff as surely they test the weed to make sure no pgr ect once grown n checked hence clean weed to fuck nos wats pumped into give useful info not obv info

  2. My meds uk 🇬🇧 are perfectly trimmed the smell is what is described and the high is clean with minamal negative effects. Street weed is fluffy croped early to make it over potent and normally not flushed properly as they feed it till the last minute. I only smoke med weed now. The choice the price the service the legality makes a perfect experience and it takes money away from organised crime that funds smack crack coke guns and violence. Legalise cannabis !!!!

  3. Main difference with medical is the stability of the product… using various types is good for finding the right product for your condition but can have you on the ‘is it working/not working’ rollercoaster
    I get bored by my medical bud but don’t want to risk getting unwell from changing again

  4. If you take medical cannabis on holiday, let’s say turkey, how does it work regarding you smoking it there? Can you smoke anywhere like you could a cigarette or do you still have to be sly and secretive when smoking??

  5. One notable difference is the availability of strains which don't appeal so much to the commercial market. For example, one strain I got on prescription was one of the best for sleep I've ever had. But it smelled only feintly of mown grass, no turpene hit on the nose. Street stuff needs to smell impressive to get bought.

  6. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    Thanks drew love your video again bro 😎😎😎😎

    I’ve got an appointment on Tuesday in the U.K. I’m not sure enough about the strains of cannabis.

    I don’t use cannabis recreationally although it is nice 👌🏼

    I’ve been self medicating with cannabis for about 2years!!!!

    I was diagnosed with PTSD about a year ago and I want to learn about which type of cannabis gives what effect ????

    I am looking for the type of strain that lifts me up doesn’t get me too high so that I can work and function I don’t want to be high and sleepy all day

    Thanks for your videos and any advice would be great 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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