Media mogul Tyler Perry talks new documentary “Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story”

Entertainment mogul Tyler Perry joins “CBS Mornings” to discuss the new documentary about his life. “Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler …


  1. What is Gayle’s problem?! She cut her colleagues off & wouldn’t even let Tyler answer the questions. She messed up this interview. Simmer down Gayle, because of you Tyler never answered the question of if he learned things about himself doing this documentary since you decided to cut in w / your question! Who does that?!?!

  2. "I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, til he please.🙏🏽🧡- Song of Solomon 2:7 Awww it was SO GOOD to see Tyler Perry and Gayle King discussing his documentary. Good friends…THAT THEY ARE. …TRUST HIM Hallelujah! ❤
    They all did a great job with the interview. Enjoyed it!

  3. The world is really blessed to have someone like you Tyler ❤❤. Lot, n lot of people who shy away from where we really come from, it really is great to see people like him who keep reminding us of our history.

    God bless you sir and your loved ones ❤❤

  4. I thank God for I think God for making Maxine I think God for mixing making Tyler Perry and I think God that Tyler perry touches all of us especially me. Thank you Tyler Perry. I love you and God bless with much does this prosperity, perfect health and wealth❤2❤

  5. The white male reporter needs to stop talking over people. Let him talk. This isn’t the only interview he does this in. Why can’t Gayle just interview them.

  6. Love Tyler. I believe his father saw his potential from day one. He knew his son would soar in ways he never would. His jealousy brought the nastiness and hatred out in him. Too many men wallow in their sorrows and tough times and use it as an excuse. Our pain is so often our purpose. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off. Step up and step out.

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