Something great started – physio and rehabilitation #cancer #stage4cancer #uterus #stage4

this week’s morphine diaries focus on staying positive even if I have stage 4 cancer.


  1. Keeping you I my prayers. I had just found you about a month and 1/2 ago. Since then I have kept you in my prayers. My Sister in law is on hospice and I am spending time with her and caring for her through her journey. I know how much positivity can play into this. Ker pushing! I believe in you both. Prayers from Kansas, USA.

  2. Thinking of you Sindy and Dan,
    Many thanks for your lovely reply, I loved it!
    So sorry I wrote Sindy as Cindy apologies), hoping that you are going to be close together again soon!
    Thinking of you both, hoping that the days without Dan are going fast❤️hugs and love xxxx keep on keeping on!

  3. Cindy and Dan, you are both troopers! All the positive comments you are getting is because of who you are. Positive, kind, generous, honest, open minded,… We all know sometimes in life it is hard to find people /friends like this and this is why we are connecting with you, why we are all sending positive vibes to you, following the channel,… We are the ones who are lucky to have you in our virtual life's and if we would be closer you wouldn't be alone for 1 second next week😊 I 'm sure the nurses are feeling the same way and they will do a little extra to make you feel OK. I strongly believe that you are manifesting this as you are manifesting your recovery and healing! 😁 ❤️👍😘😘😘

  4. What got me through my cancer was to never not think positive, i was given six months and got a donor that saved me. I am 12 years cancer free. The positiveness you two have will help your body heal 🤗😘💕

  5. ❤🙏🌹🌻🌺🌲Ahora queda esperar que vas a salir de todo eso,y la Virgen de Fatima te esta protegiendo,fuerza y ya casi todo va por el camino de Dios y la Virgen.Saludos desde Caracas siempre acompañandote en ese trance de tu vida.

  6. Healing Juju coming at you both! You’re a team! Princess Warrior indeed! Being in hospital is good for many things but especially the lessons about individual strengths and weaknesses. I found for me, being in hospital has a way of reminding me that it’s one of the safest places to let it go. To practice trust and faith with the people best prepared to help and to remind you, that you are safe, you are loved and that you matter. It sounds like you have a lot of staff around you ready to “take the wheel” whenever you need it. When you trip, they will be there to catch you. ❤ Dan will be back before you know it. Now straighten your crown, remember who you are and get ready to slay some dragons! You got this girl!🐉🐉🐉👑👑🗡️🗡️🗡️❤❤

  7. I have stage 4 urothelial carcinoma myself and keeping a positive mindset has been a battle, so I am encouraged by you. I will pray for you because I know you will miss your husband while he has to be gone. 🙏❤

  8. Sending positive thoughts to you both. You look radiant. Loving the hair! Keep smiling, we are all standing in your corner! There are ups & downs but we are here for you x❤x

  9. Olá Rainha das guerreiras! Como foi o seu dia? Bom, espero eu, cá estou novamente sintonizada com Vocês, Dan deve estar a trabalhar e a matar saudades dos Meninos e dos Papás dele. Grande Homem esse seu marido, na saúde e na doença, como se promete nos votos de casamento. A sua luta continua e quando reparar já matou os "BICHOS" e volta tudo ao normal, sim porque rotina também é boa. Beijinhos e as melhoras

  10. Your positivity is so wonderful. I was having a morning where I was just feeling sad over something and once I watched this video I realized I needed to stop feeling that way. If you can find positivity during this challenge, I need to follow your example. Sending you love and prayer. ❤

  11. The videos are fine with just the phone. We can see and hear you perfectly 👍🏽
    I don't bat an eyelid at talking bowl movements. We can talk as much s***t as you like when I next visit 😂
    Get you shopping list ready for our 'picnic'. 🤗🥰

  12. Keep on keeping on Cindy and Dan, in the same boat, stage 4 thyroid cancer, same as you with the bowels😅 due to our friend , morphine! ( used to be a nurse, stool softener daily helps !😅) lots of hugs and love xxx

  13. Te deseo la mejor suerte sel mundo,que te recuperes ,y te lo dice una que pasó por un cáncer de ovarios en estado cuatro también,y gracias a Dios y los médicos estoy bien ahora,te comprendo tanto,y me gusta mucho tu positividadeso es muy bueno para ti,un abrazo grande y cuídate mucho

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