Apple Cider Vinegar: The BEST Skin and Gut Health Product You’re Not Using

Looking for a natural solution to improve your overall health and well-being? Look no further than apple cider vinegar!


  1. Good evening Lisa,I only use Braggs.They make one with honey and cayenne pepper I use as well.Peaches ACV I use twice daily.I had a small rash on my neck and used the ACV and it was gone in two days.Have a blessed week Lisa 💕Arleen

  2. I seen one of your video shorts and you have on blue jeans and a blue and white shirt. In that video I think it said some people have said you look older. NEVER BELIEVE THAT LIE. Your skin looks like a 20 yr olds skin. Your hair looks so vibrate. People are use to fakeness. Silly makeuo, hair dyes, fake fingernails, fake everything. The eyes are so blinded to TRUTH. Please, ignore anyone who is spewing out this ridiculous notion. Trust me you look Awesome and OLD definitely does not describe anything about you.

  3. Hi Lisa. Just found your channel and I’m very impressed Your skin is beautiful and such a lovely color. Don’t you have a video in skin care for arm,legs etc? Also what do you think of self tanners?

  4. You are very sweet to answer but same here – I’m 60 and have used it bought it since I was 30! It is clearer and less dense – I noticed it as I had stopped using it then started again and I was immediately hit with the difference. It may be the same in quality but it looks about 3 shades lighter and it’s almost clear where before it wasn’t so clear. In any case we have different experiences with it. If it works it doesn’t matter. It’s just a curiosity that so many people have noticed this. Thank you for your kind response. I appreciate the integrity of your channel and your effort to encourage women to accept themselves. It’s a much needed voice – as we women are so hard on ourselves.

  5. I’ve used Braggs for decades but I noticed the change in the product a number of years ago – it’s more watery. I was curious about why it seemed so different. I don’t think it’s a variation issue as years ago it was vastly different. It’s just a different product now – whether that changes its efficacy I do t know.

  6. For anyone just getting into ACV i recommend a very small amount to start, i currently am trying to cut back on caffeine to help reduce migraines. one trigger is acidic stomach. Drinking acv might sound counter intuitive but i put 1-2 cap fulls – i simple use the bottle cap- into 12 ounce water bottle and drink that before getting anything else into my system. It has helped a lot. FWIW i had tried drinking only water to help my stomach acidity and it didn't work as well as water with ACV. Peach of 2 years now, thx Lisa ❤ ~ Elle

  7. Thank you, Lisa! The Braggs ACV with honey is the one I use (for drinking). I feel it is a little smoother tasting. Quick question… are warts or flat warts a fungus? Would ACV help? Have a blessed week 💕

  8. It works great for a yeast infection as well, instant cure every time for me. I use a teaspoon in a bottle of water and rinse my private area out …no more itching, discharge or burning. TMI but hey if it works why not and I rarely get them now. Acv is the best!

  9. Thank you, Lisa❤ I have been using apple cider vinegar for my skin, etc. for years and years. And I'm so glad to find someone that backs me up so I can send to friends and family members that I'm not the crazy one🤣🤣

  10. I love your videos. I am working to lift the saggy skin and brown spots on my face. I have been adding your advice into my routine for a month. The brown spots are lifting but the saggy is still there.

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