1. Young man. Cbd has over 400 plus benefits its hemp oil look it up throughly not just from the point of trying to get views look it up listen to specialist do more homework alot of your recent stuff is half baked and im honest thinking about unfollowing at this point

  2. When I did research in college for recreational cannabis before it was legal. You have to do the full research. Testicular autotrophy and cancer is solely in 30% of white males.

  3. Bra stop lol. Medicine were made out of the earth. The cbd oils in stores are synthetic, not natural….. Soooo bra the misconception and lack of info while falling for what the government says is just puppet work

  4. Hey, I wanted to ask, can you meditate, sun gaze, and raise your vibration directly after eating meat? Until I get a job and get the means to get what I want, I probably might what's at the house for right now

  5. Lol. Blow it out your ass man. All it does is lower sperm production a little bit thatโ€™s where the โ€œmaking balls smallerโ€ comes from. Liver damage and stuff? You have been fooled. All store weed has chemicals on it and is grown with synthetic fertilizer that is the ONLY problem. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ๐Ÿป use it donโ€™t abuse it or let it use you. โœŒ๏ธ

  6. Almost all modern weed has added chemicals, natural weed is good but becomes a harmful chemical when you light it and smoke it. Your body naturally produce cannibinoids on its own. Most weed out now is gmo with gender bending effects.

  7. Ok not sure what CBD you are looking at but this is 100% not true if you are getting real CBD. If the brand is bad it can have contaminants in it which is the only way it could cause those side effects. Please stop spreading misinformation. This is actually bs when you are getting good quality CBD. It can help your reproductive system. It helps with testosterone balance.

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