Columbus marijuana users enjoy first legal puffs ‘Fire It Up Friday’

After years of enjoying the pair in the shadows, pizza and pot lovers came together publicly Friday night to celebrate the legalization of recreational marijuana in Ohio.

Close to 40 people spread out throughout GoreMade Pizza’s spacious patio as the intermingling aromas of pizza, a bonfire, and burning weed punctuated the air and atmosphere of the Italian Village restaurant.

“Fire It Up Friday” was a gathering to celebrate the end of marijuana prohibition, which took effect Thursday after legalization received overwhelming support in November. The event Friday allowed attendees to reflect on the long journey to legalization, share in their widespread relief and even express tinges of paranoia, worried that lawmakers would do something to repeal the new law.

As attendees talked and laughed, some took the opportunity to light up themselves, a sense of freedom on their faces as they took their first legal tug of the divisive plant. The 1936 film “Reefer Madness,” a melodramatic movie meant to exploit fear of marijuana and its users, played in the background. The juxtaposition between the exaggerated and outright lies about the effects of marijuana and the weed smoke that permeated the air were apparent.

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