How Marijuana Completely Changes Your Sleep

What happens when you go to sleep high? And how do both THC and CBD affect your sleeping brain? Watch our podcast …


  1. doesn't disrupt my sleep at all. It makes me sleep for 15 hours straight and every time I consume it I end up asleep with no interruptions and usually very detailed dreams 🤣 everyone's different

  2. almost no sleep study is made to help ppl with multiple sleep disorders but I do understand why because such limited ways to make all sleep disorders fit in one box.
    unfortunately most drugs I gain a very fast inactiveness from to point I must take max dose multiple hours before going to bed when I want or double dose 10 mlg valium (first dose just makes my body no longer feel stiff)
    now a days I just suffer occasionally taking legal sleeping aids which never work as hoped, but help if I take and repeatedly take 4 hours after waking up till going to bed. ( I get 5-6 hours sleep then YaY but sleep walk BOOO)

  3. Well, I’m one year in from quitting smoking. I was a wake & bake, smoke throughout the day all day everyday hardcore stoner for 25(!) years & in all that time like many others, never dreamed. The weed killed my dreaming abilities as scientific study has shown it can do. But, now I dream almost EVERY night. I also suffered my whole life with panic attacks & anxiety & for many years the weed helped (probably why I was so into it) now that I don’t smoke all the anxiety & panic attacks are just completely gone. So in short I think at some point it changed for me & the weed actually made those things worse rather than helped them. Anxiety nearly all gone now & dreaming has returned! Just sharing my experience. Good luck to all those trying to reduce their usage or quit & happy vibes to those still enjoying the ride. But just know it can change for u & that’s okay, nothing is set in stone. The goddess grew it that way💁🏻‍♂️🥰

  4. REM sleep is also what curses sleep walkers and ppl who function in sleep w/o knowing they do, I have cooked raw chicken then ate it in my sleep, I know this because my exwife asked me while we were married why I came from bed cooked chicken ate some and went to bed never responding to her, luckily she had a feeling heard I sleep and do stuff checked the chicken realized the issue.

    REM sleep is also part of what hypnotists use to get ppl to act like idiots. (granted ppl who suffer from elongated REM sleep wont fall for it as easy, however if not awake and actually sleepwalking they will follow simple commands if done in rights tones and loudness.)

    ^edit^ I have taken prescription drugs and in my youth non scrips, and to be honest the safest for me are ones I cant take because in 1 case its addictive, and the other withdrawal sleep could actually kill me now.
    as for the safe prescriptions I refuse to risk unknowingly cooking raw chicken in my sleep and eating it again.

  5. I'm 60y.o. and retired… I started smoking pot for the first time about 5-6 years ago for medicinal reasons, and of course, to just enjoy the high. I do notice at times that I'm more lethargic than my norm, but, for the most part, I get things done now that before I would procrastinate over. I'm so glad it's legal here in Washington state. Should've been the case decades ago.

  6. I use the 10 mgs which is 5 mgs THC and 5 mgs melatonin in a gummy…..before I had a insomnia..because my brain didn't know how to shut down..and besides I was I was sleeping 12 I sleep 7-8 hours..I wake up happier and more rested..I do not smoke it just use the gummies .

  7. One thing that I’ve noticed that you didn’t cover, is the different effects the different strains have on your sleep cycle. A good Indica put you to sleep a lot better than a sativa.

  8. Wow been a heavy smoker for 16 years and I just learned a lot from you. I knew all this but not so in depth.. I try quiting sometimes and Id agree the loss and struggle to sleep I get from not smoking makes it extremely hard to stop.

  9. I’m 23 and I’ve been a chronic cannabis user for almost 9 years. This video is very interesting and confirmed some of my own observations. I pretty much exclusively smoke before bed, and I never dream. Any time I’ve not smoked before bed, I’ve had the longest and wildest dreams. However, I definitely struggle to fall asleep without cannabis unless I’m completely exhausted.

  10. I only use Friday & Saturday nights (and the occasional holiday eve) and I find my sleep is quite a bit better. I have noticed not remembering dreams on nights I use, but I also am more likely to sleep through the night (before I started using again, I was waking up 3-4 times a night). I think that as long as I don't use it more than I currently do, my sleep is much better than it was before pot came back into my life

  11. It’s interesting that my sleep tracker (Garmin watch) doesn’t think I get less REM sleep with weed. I’ve had periods of heavy use and periods of abstinence and my sleep tracker says almost the same thing on and off of weed. I recognize that sleep trackers may not be accurate

  12. I always think this is interesting because I used to have dreadful insomnia I don't anymore and it's been well over 10 years it doesn't affect rim for me and I'm a commuter so I have so very little time I need to drop right off to sleep when I get home and get up when it's time. For real though I feel like we need to make a distinction between smoke and edibles and vaping because they all affect people differently

  13. The question I never see addressed on this topic: PROXIMITY between smoking and sleep. Are these impacts still true if you smoke and sober up before bed for instance? What if you smoke at 6pm and go to bed at 11pm? Etc.

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