1. As I've told my kids for more twenty years, while marijuana is illegal don't do it. When it becomes legal, I'm gonna smoke it. You kids have not seen me drink irresponsibly, nor will see smoke irresponsibly. There is a right and a wrong way to do everything.

  2. The trend is for legalization nationwide. A majority of people want it legal, It passed the house, it had the votes to pass, but Mitch McConnel refused to bring it to the floor. Here in Florida, we need to just SUCK IT UP and legalize it. It's an election issue for young voters. Remove the issue, so they'll not vote again until their brains mature in their late 20's

  3. I'm 67 with MS. I hope it's legal because I only use it to sleep or debilitating spams. I'm paying 150 to see a doctor every 7 mos. And 75. For a card. I'm on Social Security. It's taking away healthy food I need. I refuse to use narcotics
    So this drug in candy and drop form works for me. PLEASE LET IT PASS…. 2:25

  4. So the lady states "it's kinda like marijuana on Crack…we do not need this legalized in our state" ……she must first comprehend that those are two totally different substances! Legalize it already!!

  5. This absolutely destroyed Arizona when they legalized it ! The homelessness population tripled over night , you see lines around the block at dispensaries and you see people in medical scrubs standing in those lines and they lite up right in the parking lots than jump in their cars and drive away wasted! I understand it helps some people with medical issues ……..just remember there is way more to life than getting high, growing a neck beard, playing video games, internet porn and living in your parents house for life!

  6. Insurance companies run the ability to have weed! The state can legalize what ever they want. Liability insurance and workers comp and health insurance companies make it so people can't work at higher paid skilled workers. If you're in the insurance business do you want a companies workers that run dangerous equipment walking around stoned people that can't pass a drug tests running and driving equipment? What about pilots, truck drivers, medical field workers to be operating on you or your family stoned or driving down roads filled with stoned drivers legally? Seriously.

  7. My state legalized, and felt like a 90% drop in police presence!!!!…..Not even joking…..I probably saw 10 or 20 cops every day, now I barely see 1 or 2 per day. I'm guessing weed was a big cash cow. I don't know how those crooked Scumbags slept at night Locking people up for that, at the end of the day They have to look at themselves in the mirror, I guess that's punishment enough.

  8. Ruffel, lol – she's toast … jk, jk

    @1:33 – Abuse and addiction – NO, there won't be because it's not addictive… how long does it take to understand.
    There is some TOLERANCE. that's not the same as addiction.

    BTW, I leave an open invitation here to vape an 1/8 down to the station and beat anyone at ping pong / table tennis. Any day of the week. Get the lawmakers to challenge me…

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