If it passes on the ballot, Ohio lawmakers may alter recreational marijuana law

If it passes on the ballot, Ohio lawmakers may alter recreational marijuana law. Stay informed about Columbus and central Ohio …


  1. People growing and storing in their homes is actually far more safe than people having a bunch of booze in the house! That dude sounds like that jeff sessions punk back in 2016 or 17 "oh good Americans don't smoke marijuana, they come home to a nice glass of scotch"; sickening and flat stupid

  2. [[[[[:::::>>>>>Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.<<<<<:::::]]]]]

  3. There is no research done on marijuana because it is considered a class 2 drug. It is not recognized for any medical use according to federal law. So when someone says the research shows this or that about cannabis IS A TOTAL LIE!!!! The only research that carries any weight would be through the grandfather of weed. The same person that discovered and isolated THC. That scientist was from, and lived in Israel. He has passed away unfortunately at an old age of late 80's or in his 90's. Anyone that researches marijuana is breaking federal laws in the USA because it considered a class 2 drug. Just the possession of it carries federal penalties.

  4. Let me tell yall something when I was 12 I traded my ps2 for a 20 sac of weed. Tell me how a 12 year old can do that in a dispensery. Do you truly think that a 12 year old can walk into a shop and trade a game system for some weed people who say that children will be able to access it easy, really want to make it accessible to children. Because in reality recreational takes all the power from the drug dealers. Stop saying it's wrong because of miners. You all are liars.

  5. opens for greater concern for minors!! You idiot!! Minors can get alcohol any time they want it and that shit actually kills people. The only way marijuana is going to kill you is if you eat it and choke or a ton of it falls on your ass. Or maybe you're allergic of course. More people have died because of the effects of alcohol than ever will from Marijuana…. EVER.. Also, a person high on marijuana has waaaaaaay more control, of their body than ANY drunk person will EVER HAVE. You cant tell how high a person is by his walk but you can see a drunk coming staggering along a mile away all out of control of his body. I've NEVER Had a car ruined that was hit by some one high on marijuana but I have had a drunk come along and wipe my car out. I've NEVER heard of someone high on marijuana wrecking into a family and killing them AND WONT I BET. WITHOUT ALCOHOLOR HARD DRUGS BEING INVOLVED!!!!

  6. The real reason the state of Ohio and Police are against Marijuana is because this will limit their ability to create revenue from traffic stops for simple possession. Additionally, the state is trying to figure out how to control and tax — pure greed. No taxation without representation should still be a thing. The government mismanages the tax revenues they have and need to stay out of this new venture that could support the citizens of Ohio through road improvement and other benefits to society.

    Many news, police and politicians push the anti-marijuana rhetoric of the 1950's. Most reporters say we haven't been able to study marijuana but in reality there are 23 states legal with their own data, numerous colleges and corporations spending millions to study for the last decade or more. Why does the news always emphasize the bad but never take 10 minutes to research for themselves to identify positive benefits–almost like the talking points are handed to them. The most blatant lie being pushed or fear mongering around marijuana use is that it will lead to accidents, crime, etc. Nearly Every state that has legalized marijuana has not seen an uptick in deaths or crime directly related to recreational adult use.

    Why is Ohio last to everything? Why aren't we looking at the 23 other states who have legalized marijuana for adult use and taking their legal framework as an example? We need to learn that fear mongering and placing high tax is not the correct strategy to realizing our states potential via adult use legalization.

  7. It's a PLANT lol sheesh Rep Josh Williams is afraid of the plant. We don't need government deciding what we have access to. Alcohol and Tobacco are much more of a health and developmental risk to children. Wake up buddy!

  8. Crazy that politicians have the audacity to say they will change the law AFTER the citizens vote for what they want. Why do politicians get to impose fascist laws on us? Straight up tyranny. During COVID we had laws placed on us by politicians and media pundits "in our best interest" despite not being based on fact or science. Today they apologize and say they were trying to help. Here we are again with marijuana — you don't have easy access for minors. Just like a bar, children/minors can't just enter a dispensary and purchase marijuana. All the arguments they use are strange circumstances referencing driving or a child using — why are we looking at a small percentage of negative outcomes versus the cumulative benefit as a whole for everyone? Those against or politicians trying to embrace control need to study from other states (23 of them legal) and their colleagues in those states to see how the plant has benefitted their state.

  9. The real reason the state of Ohio and Police are against Marijuana is because this will limit their ability to create revenue from traffic stops for simple possession. Additionally, the state is trying to figure out how to control and tax — pure greed. No taxation without representation should still be a thing. The government mismanages the tax revenues they have and need to stay out of this new venture that could support the citizens of Ohio through road improvement and other benefits to society.

    Most news talking points parrot the anti-marijuana rhetoric of the 1950's. Most reporters and politicians say we haven't been able to study marijuana but in reality there are 23 states legal with their own data, numerous colleges and corporations spending millions to study for the last decade or more. Why does the news always emphasize the bad but never take 10 minutes to research for themselves to identify positive benefits-? The most blatant lie being pushed or fear mongering around marijuana use is that it will lead to accidents, crime, etc. Every state that has legalized marijuana has not seen an uptick in deaths or crime directly related to recreational adult use.

    Why is Ohio last to everything? Why aren't we looking at the 23 other states who have legalized marijuana for adult use and taking their legal framework as an example? We need to learn that fear mongering and placing high tax is not the correct strategy to realizing our states potential via adult use legalization.

  10. Any politician who ignores a majority vote of citizens is not representing anything other than their personal convictions. Since they don’t represent constituents, they don’t need to be in office. We are your constituents, not your congregation. A few recall elections will get the closed-minded deadbeats out of office, and remove their special interest contributions.

  11. Williams is an idiot! His argument makes absolutely no sense. If I am a parent and I am growing marijuana in my home, and my child gets into my plants even if my child does eat the buds off of the plant which I don’t know why they would. They cannot get high off of eating raw weed.

    Marijuana needs to be what’s called decarboxylase which means you need to heat it up over 280° in order for the enzymes in the bud it to actually have a psychoactive effect.

    So if you’re growing plants in your kid gets into your plans and consumes the raw buds, guess what they’re not gonna get high.

  12. I think it’s important to remember that even if Issue 2 passes, your employer can still drug test and fire you for using cannabis. Cannabis is not protected like other prescription drugs.

  13. 26 years with the Ohio Republican party of Hamilton county and because of Senate president Matt Huffman R Lima and his comments on changing issue 2 has me ready to leave the party. Definitely voting out all Ohio Republican incumbents for this. Last year Mr Huffman proposed a Ohio cannabis council with LIFETIME APPOINTMENT ! you heard that right folk ! From the people who been making money on private prisons and booze and gambling. END TRUE DISCRIMINATION vote yes on 2

  14. Im so tired of the fear mongering. Its not like Ohio would be the first state to do this. Ohio loves their tobacco, alcohol and guns in their houses, but OH MY lets fear a plant growing in a house.

  15. So basically, they're gonna make this law into the law we shot down at last attempt because they were creating their own cartel. This way they can trick us into a Yes and then take away our right to grow and give it to their friends.

  16. Those who oppose the issue for reasons like the belief of its a gateway drug fail to think about the possibility of scenarios beyond their control..They fail to see that buying Marijuana at a drug dealers home that it's there the potential buyer would be offered a variety of drugs available to customers and also the potential of the Marijuana to be mixed with dangerous chemicals.. Heard stories of drug dealers weighing out the purchase of Marijuana on the same scales used to weigh out drugs like fentynal and other dangerous drugs to unsuspecting customers thus mixing it in with chemicals..So yes in that case it could lead to gateway drugs..Legalizing Marijuana will make that impossible to happen..Marijuana is never going away and will always be available either way..Drug dealers do not want you to vote for legalization by any means..They are making money hand over fist so why would they ?

  17. Everybody I know that grows doesn't because the health reasons they take care of their own plants and give them what they need and it's a much cleaner smoke in medicine. They want to force everybody to have to go to them they can be the only drug dealer.

  18. Please vote Yes on this Ohio. The fact people won't be fine for no one has the money for that no one deserves to go to jail for it. Nobody should have to be scared to lose that job lose their house and their children just because they want to smoke a bowl when they get home from work instead of cracking six pack of beer we're smoking a cigar .

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