Marijuana Australiana (2016) [full documentary]

A film by Richard Baron. @Submusia // PODCAST and tell-all BOOK drop: Psychedelics, music, …



  2. No harm, loss or injury means no law is broken. There's a massive difference between legal and lawful. Using cannabis may be illegal but it is not unlawful. Legality applies only to PERSONS not to men or women.

  3. This is why I think it should be a law that anybody that supposedly specializes in anything especially drugs should at least have to do the drug at least one time so they know what they're really talking about instead of sounding stupid as s*** because this guy saying that marijuana is a highly sexual drug is a retard you get no sexual Tendencies when you smoke marijuana I've been smoking marijuana for 30 years and I have never had a sexual fantasy experience or wanted to have sex while I was on marijuana this dude is a dumbass

  4. It all boils down to the fact that the government cant control it or tax it so they make it a crime to have. I remember back in the day …if you wernt growing it that is… that it cost $25.00 an ounce. Thats why it was called The Good Ole Days hahahah its all gone to shit now though.We should be putting governments in jail for promoting tobbaco & alcohol

  5. Its funny how governments & cartel companies can snort cocaine every day or when they wish but lets make Cannabis a Type 1 drug.These ppl arnt fit to make decisions how to run a chook raffle imo its been used since the early 1900s as far as i know so the powers that be know exactally what it does

  6. Climate conditions are awesome there, girls are giant… It's. So Much Job Till Ended All. I just didn't understand what rights they have for growths and , it's like half Legalize. GUY WAS CUT , SOME BUDS COUSE NUMBER OF ,,,LIKE THEY ARE LIMITED .

  7. What an amazing documentary, thankyou ,Was an everyday smoker for years to manage depression and ptsd. Stopped 2 years ago for my job due to random d & a testing and have been miserable ever since.. just a backward and stupid mentality this country's gov has that it's not legal nationwide, its a travesty of justice.. had a spinal injury and got hooked on prescription medication and alcohol , and my depression came back after that worse than ever. So you can drive 2 hours to Canberra and it's OK to possess and grow plants in your yard but here they can still lock you up for 2 plants if feel so inclined…

  8. Alcohol is the gateway to heavy drugs and violence… no one gets stoned and decides to try some cocaine or feels like fighting… the government has it all wrong…

  9. @45:10 …. I've been saying what he's saying for so bloody long. Booze makes a lot of people fight for no good reason where yandi simply makes people peaceful. I told the local head sarg that the other week and how pathetic it is that booze is legal which causes so many issues yet yandi isn't. He said he's limited in what he can say but agrees.

    I love my booze but I'm not an aggro drunk, however it's the med yandi that allows sleep at night and stopped me topping myself out of frustration from lack of sleep (severe back pain).

  10. stop saying higher potency the old boomers smoked doo doo straight up, just because we video, monitor ph, use dwc hydro or coco, full spectrum leds and have medical grade seedbanks in the u.s. that are monitored and legal to buy nationwide means we are just growing it better and have more variety since you can get 15-35% it depends on the genetics, stop trying to freak ppl out you were smoking rando no name grass hemp cbd garbage

  11. Auto flowers 400grams of 29/30% on tap now.

    And the government is starting to want in on this tax, as the medical weed field is full of shit. When chemist come outsiders to buy weed. My chemist does 15g for 80 bucks with 24/30% strains that you can pick from like a dispensary.

    Axiety and pain means half the world will be on it. Smoke hard core exotic indica for years, daily. And then stop if you think you dreams where bad before wait till these nightmares begin.

    I got chronic acute pain. Been smoking growing for 20 years. And after getting hooked on OG shit form the 2008 era fucked me up over the long run.

  12. Take away the real drugs "Alcohol & cigarettes" and replace them with cannabis. the government can still make money without killing off their customers. the government are the real criminals.

  13. G'day..I would like to say 🎩 off 2 all the people who support Medicinal Cannabis…may your efforts be rewarded with the blessings of joy happiness & peace 🌱🌏🪘🎻🎷🥁🎺❤️💛💚🔥💧🌠🌲👍🙏🙏🙏🌿

  14. As a Canadian who's had an uncle struggling with multiple scouroses and used myself.
    Its an amazing helper for so many medical issues, and mental stress, but not for all for all as a daily use but for many and at times in life it can do better than most pain killer pills.

    Aand the old nixon bullshit is bullshit

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