Ask Me Anything! | Cancer Recovery

We covered all kinds of interesting questions today — I love it! Everything from diet, exercise, massage & supplements, to panic …



    — The Fixable Back Course: http://www.Fixable.Me
    — Workstation ergonomics video: (you'll see me when I was "jacked" lol!)
    — Sleep posture video:
    — The Doorway Hamstring Stretch (most with low back pain need this!):
    — The Wall Angel (patient favorite for neck/shoulder & upper back pain — takes 30 seconds!):

    Thank you SO MUCH for joining me today — you made my day! 🙂

  2. pls forgive, but you said to ask you any thing: with the excess deaths since C, (clots, bleeds, heart problems, etc), now theres a big rash of "explosive" or "turbo" cancers (growing/spreading at unprecedented speeds), inc during/after successful treatment/tumors shrinking then growing again all of a sudden, etc. Drs say theyre trying to find out whats going on, yet w/ all the young healthy unexplained deaths, the 1 thing not disclosed about them is if they were V'd or not. My Q is, were you?

  3. Lake Forest Park WA

    PLEASE TRY HALLS THROAT SOOTHING LOZENGES— with PECTIN (natural soluble fiber) It’s not a typical cough drop. It makes your spit more slippery, which I think would help you.

    RICOLA is making a similar product now—- THROAT BALM with pectin.

  4. 2400 mg febendazole 30ml olive oil 400mg cimetidine(one day) for 3days in a week and 20g liposomal vitaminc 100mg doxycycline 500mg arzithromycin(one day) for 4 days in a week and 3-4.5 naltrexone 4000iu vitamind 800mg phterostilbene 400mg egcg 1000mg omega3 1000mg metfolmin everyday and before going to bed probiotics 40-100mg melatonin 400mg Magnesium cbd 15%oil…it cures the terminal cancer within 4-7 months…with 3000-5000 Dollars totally..

  5. I dont know how this account ended up on my profile however, it has sparked a lot of interest. I have been plagued by friends and family passing from various types of cancer. Your high spirits and and positive vibes are awesome. I am hoping the best for you during this process. Also, in one of your videos you were wearing a fck cancer hoodie while out shopping, I s this merch from you? If not, any idea where I might be able to find one?

  6. Did you get the jab. just wondering. I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in 22 did all the radiation, chemo did not have tumor removed after treatment hoping now it's gone away or . Still have this port in my chest getting old. Nice to see other people that understand this shit. Thank you for telling people.

  7. I'm late to the party, but is says ask you anything so here goes!
    How are you….really? Without the brave face.
    Are you scared?

    If I could trade place with you, I would. You help people, you encourage people and you don't deserve what you've been dealt. I'm 62, have chronic illnesses and I don't contribute to anything in this world.

    God Bless †

  8. Love your talk it’s so real. I’m also stage 4 colon cancer Braf mutation with Mets to mesentery and some near pancreatic hose. Anyway had HIPEC one year ago. Some spots. Feb 9 follow up scan. I was told 9 months 18 months ago. Feeling good with 22 trips in last two years. Just living and enjoying weather

  9. This is kind of a morbid question. If God forbid, something bad where to happen – end up in hospital or anything else – is there someone in your life you have empowered to speak to us on this channel? If something changes sharply, we all want to know. Thanks, David

  10. i only found your channel, just wanted to wish you the best in your fight. never give up. miracles happen everyday. My lifepartner died of pancreatic cancer 2017 after 3,5yrs fight. He was only 43. He did chemo for 6months in the begining but had no results and it only made his life horrible. since there is no 100% guarantee for curing pancreatic cancer. so he started to clean his body, it was very hard for someone who is an athlete,in amazing shape and never even sick with a flue. but he started looking into alternatives, to prolong his life. He got a lot of help with intermitting fasting,keto and just more raw foods.He was suck a troop ,working and working out till the end. he always said its like giving up if he stopped living normal life. only because of his fit and clean eating he got that much longer without treatments,when normally pancreatic cancer is quite quick to take a person. praying for your recovery, keep up the positive mind and remember manifesting, put it out there, know that you get better 🙂

  11. That sounds like a great Idea. Dr. Dan You truly shine when you are helping others with all your experience as a chiropractor. This outreach on your part will definitely bring you much healing, joy and love to your spirit leaving absolutely no room for CANCER…….

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