Kratom Tea, is it a healthier way of using Kratom? Kratom taper at 17 GPD…

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  1. I live in Hua Hin Thailand and there are a couple of street vendors that sell Kratom ice tea. Initially difficult to judge how much you’ve taking compared to weighing or capsules but generally able to go by feel now. Drunk a large bottle over space of a couple of hours last night and it made me very sleepy. So far I’m managing to control it by taking it irregularly so fingers crossed I can carry that on so I may just continue using the tea as it’s a nicer way to take it.

  2. my favorite method for making kratom tea has been this 🙂

    inside of a thermis container
    1. squeeze lemon juice on your weighed out powder n mix it up, let sit for 5 mins
    2. pour near boiling water into the container and seal it up
    3.shake well
    4. throw it in the fridge overnight
    5. strain in the morning

    give it a try if you can!! very convenient and i find it SIGNIFICANTLY more potent than making it on the stove

    edit: i think the reason your brew was disappointing is it wasn’t brewed long enough,, the longer the better 🙂

  3. Cory, as far as the effects you should be getting the exact same effects as if you consumed powder, but the tea is slightly less potent. IF YOU ARE USED TO 5g doses, make the tea with about 7-8g. The tea is about 30% weaker because you lose a little of the alkaloids, however you filter out 95-99% of the plant matter. It’s totally worth having to use a little more product. People’s GI tract, skin etc will thank them later.. once you experiment and dial the process you can extract up to approximately 80-90% of the total alkaloids 👌🏼

    – A 1 quart mason jar. 🫙
    -add kratom powder & about 2-3 tbs of lemon juice.
    – Then mix into a thick sludge & let sit a few minutes while heating your water. ( I like to let the straight powder react with the straight lemon juice first because the lemon juice breaks down the cell walls of the Kratom & makes it more potent)
    – Then before the water boils add to jar. 160-170 degrees.
    – stir well and let sit for about 30 minutes ( some say an hour+ but in my experience 20-30 min will be sufficient for it to fully separate.
    – then I use a larger 150ml oral syringe to get all the tea off the top & I dispose of the sludge/plant matter. 👌🏼

  4. I could never figure out the tea. I’m kinda like you. A kilo of Kratom costs like $80. If I take it a few times a day in just powder form. I made the mistake of trying a mit45 again on a nice spring day like today. I fucking loved it but I can’t be spending a weeks worth of gas money on 1 shot. I’m thankful they don’t sell them at the gas stations in town

  5. Whats up man!!! I like making a batch over night on low in a croc pot with ginger and a little squeeze or organic lemon or orange juice helps the taste tremendously and extraction. Its an art and it takes several tries but its worth it once you get it dialed. Ive been on "K" for years probably about 7 years. I could go on and on but i will keep in contact. This is a lifestyle and its great to want to be healthier and make tea. My best advice is to take 12 hours off before you switch to the tea process to make it more effective and enjoyable and then just stick to the tea method.

  6. I didn’t sleep for like a month when coming off xanex same thing with methadone. Sleep used to be my favorite thing I could sleep so good. Now if I get 6 hours I’m happy I think I’ve ruined my sleep for like dealing with drugs I’m still taking 5-6g of kratom a day I’m gonna jump off here soon and just man up I’ve been threw some nightmare withdrawals like coming off xanex heroin/fent methadone and suboxone. All I use now is kratom I don’t even smoke weed. I’m just like I need some kind or realease i think I suffer from u treated ADHD and the chemicals in my brain are all jacked up

  7. I am in pretty deep to my kratom addiction. I take 6g in the morning in my coffee and then an extract midday and then one or two feel free tonics in the evening/night. Not sure if you have heard of feel free but they are very popular where I live and easy to find. They come in two oz bottles and it’s a mix of kratom and kava. Anyway, would you recommend that I replace my extract dosing with powder right away or should I drop down to say one extract a day to start and replace my feel free consumption with powder and go from there? Much love and appreciation brother 🫶🙏👍

  8. Don't brew the tea when you want to drink it – make it earlier in the day or the night before to drink it much later. It's important to let the powder settle to the bottom, that takes an hour or two.
    I would not put the honey in while you're brewing it. Just the water, lemon juice and kratom. Keep it simple. The honey could bind with the sludge and not allow the alkaloids out and not allow the sludge settle our. Add the honey just before you drink it. But honestly, letting all the sludge settle to the bottom – it's not at all bitter if you're not drinking sludge after it settles for an hour or two. Even tea drinkers brew the tea leaves by themselves and add cream and sweetener after they pour the tea.
    Lastly, brew ALL you intend to drink in a large container. After the brewing and settling, pour ALL of the smaller portions without setting the large container upright again. If you stand it upright between pouring, the shifting of the water stirs up the sludge again. ALWAYS pour the tea from the brewing container to the drinking container. Don't just try to tip the brewing container up to your face and try to stop before the sludge hits your mouth.

  9. Thank you, you have such good advice. I am 66 and retired and that is a huge help in me tapering, it's working for me OK. I defiantly understand your methods, like you said we are in a different boat. It is what you do to make it work for you. It is like building a Roler Coster and getting the bugs out. Man, I would hate to go to work at all doing this. I take a dose close to bedtime every night. I time that right so that maybe I will not wake up and can't get even started to sleep. When this is over with, I need to create a job or go get one, I don't care if it is a cleaning job. I have settled at 2.4 grams 7 hours apart; I have no idea how long I will be here because if I cut even 1/10 of a gram and am not satisfied with that, I started this with a rule of once I cut, I am not supposed to go back up at all. 2.4 grams keeps me from flying off the Roler Coster and having the wobbles. Another thing is I have several different strains and switch them around when the one I took weakens my euphoria. I may use a strain once or twice before switching. I never tried the tea, but I don't mind the bitterness. If I can control it, I may not quit. I will buy premium though from now on. This herb is my favorite herb. Like you said How long can you stay off it. I have quit several times, and something came up like some depression and it was like I don't want to live this way. I am on a healthy carnivore diet now and that has helped my mental health a lot. We will see.

  10. Not to take away from your message about fulfilling commitments – but some us are retired and have income. BUT let me tell ya – age makes EVERYTHING more challenging – including working through withdrawal.

  11. Yo Cory glad you’re stabilizing out a bit and being self forgiving/patient in the taper process. This is the overall logical approach in my opinion . Have to keep the big picture in focus because the day to day minutiae will always be in flux, and don’t represent an accurate interpretation of your overall progress. This has been a helpful mindset for me in every aspect of life but it is especially valuable when taking on something like a major lifestyle change i.e. quitting multiple dose daily Kratom use.
    I’m still on track with my taper, today being day 39 from a 30g/day habit. I’m at 1g in 2 500mg doses today. Getting ready to jump in 2-3 days but trying to not make a big deal out of it because I think a big portion of what you end up experiencing is determined by your mindset going in. Will keep commenting to let everyone know my experience. Thanks as always Cory for being such a balanced and positive force for education. I’m sure you’ve already changed many lives for the better.

  12. Financially I'm spending roughly $40-50 bucks a month from $100 a month! $100 a month is nothing financially for me but mentally and physically no way that's good for me! I really want to get back to 2-3 days a week max but i understand that may not be an option for me and i may just put it down all the way

  13. For me slow tappers are the best option! It's hard to take your time because we want to quit but this time I'm taking it slow and steady! Allowing my body to stabilize on the new dose before i cut it down again! Stabilizing my dose is key for a trapper!

  14. living on a taper is like living in a void of no emotion…no highs or lows, just existing. i am a kratom advocate who was on around 15-20 g a day for a few years. 4-5 capsules every 4-6 hours. clean for a few months now. it gets easier. i do miss it,however i won't be going back due to after just a few times consistent use,its got you again. good luck fam. much love.

  15. Red bubble extraction?!?! Have you heard of it? Have you know anyone that does this? I think i may try this once i replace my freezer that took a crap on me! It's time consuming but seems very easy to do but takes time!

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