Cannabis-related poisonings rising in NY. How you can prevent them

Cannabis-related poisoning calls continue to be on the rise in New York.

Nearly 700 cases involving cannabis products were handled by the Upstate New York Poison Center last year, with most calls coming in for children under the age of six who got into edible cannabis products, the center says.

Here’s which poisonings topped the chart for New Yorkers in 2023 and how you can prevent them from happening.

What were the top poisonings in NY last year?

According to the Upstate New York Poison Center, more than 50,000 cases were assisted by specialists in poison information in 2023, with 79% of calls being for unintentional poisonings.

Here are the top five poisonings for New Yorkers of all age groups in 2023:

  • Analgesics (painkillers)
  • Household cleaning products
  • Antidepressants
  • Cosmetics/personal care products
  • Cardiovascular drugs

How you can prevent poisonings

Especially with cannabis products, the Poison Center urged consumers to remember to keep it up, away and out of sight and reach of children as they can become very sick and often need to go to the hospital.

Here are some additional tips to prevent poisonings:

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