How To Use CBD For Alcohol Withdrawal

My Favorite CBD Brand (CBDPure): (Use the coupon 15PERCENT to save 15% off CBDPure. I will get a …


  1. This video was Tremendously helpful…been drinking for 4 decades..after many attempts (on day 4…again 🤪 will give a try..i had ABSOLUTELY no idea what kind of CBD to get…if there is the new type besides the one you mentioned since this video, could you please share, I’m about ready to get some. Thank you so much again it was awesome.!!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for this video… I’ve been in recovery for 7 years…. And I still feel everything you’ve described in this video… I’ve been on the fence about trying CBD…. But this video has swayed me in the fact I’m definitely going to try it…. THANK YOU!!!

  3. Great video but curious. Is this hemp oil or CBD? The label says both and you mentioned this has .3% THC or less which other research says that’s what hemp typically contains and CBD contains no THC. Confused.

  4. I stopped drinking and started using cbd on a regular basis, just because I thought this could be useful. And it is! And now I saw your video – what a coincidence! Thank you very much – now I know why!

  5. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  6. I had a drinking binge that lasted two weeks just recently.. I have been hospitalized multiple times in the past for Withdrawal. I was sick.. Trying to taper off with Miller Lites.. Could not even hold them down.. Couldn't eat couldn't do anything.. I was scared to death I was going to have another seizure (had many in the past) .. I was at the store to find some sort of tapering off alcohol that I could hold down.. (pretty much was only going to prolong the bender) i found these CBD gummies and suckers.. I seen (total relaxation) on the packet.. The store owner realized what was going on.. I bought all my alcohol from there He seen me standing there a mess. He said this stuff is good for everything.. Take this home instead of more booze.. So I bought some.. I was shaking like a leaf but opened the packet and started eating them.. Half hour later I was eating my first meal in more than a week, The shakes were gone.. I felt total relief from the withdrawal. Honest to God.. This stuff is legit.. The anxiety was gone.. all the symptoms disappeared almost instantly. Once the shakes started to return.. I just ate another gummy and was gone..

  7. Check out the video "how to stop drinking alcohol full 8 hours audiobook" on YouTube. It help me stop drinking without any cravings and help me prevent relapse

  8. yeah dont take cbd go to a doctor and take diazepam the alcohol in a pill,it binds to same receptor as alcohol,then come to find me if can stop benzodiazepines.Stay away from benzos

  9. This is gold. I was on your website too mate the info is great. My country doesnt allow importation of cbd oil (not the proper stuff anyway) and it costs 250 dollars for 20 mls on a script. Lasts a few weeks. Makes it real hard to even have it as an option. On the contrary morphine tablets cost 7 dollars a box and can do untold damage. I suffer from chronic pain and have self medicated with alcohol for 10years heavily. Ive had 3 medical detox's where they load you up on benzos and lock you away. I dont even think cbd would be allowed in the clinic. I'm having a go at detoxing myself this week with cbd. The cbd pure looks the goods, man i wish i was in the states sometimes.

  10. In case you haven't had the opportunity to remain sober for at least a couple of weeks, you might want to reevaluate exactly what you're working on. Whether you need to quit drinking permanently or learn how to have a nice cup with dinner, try doing a search for Steffon Barkload's website for a very amazing 1 hour technique that will entirely rewire your head.

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