1. Concentrated resin vaping is extremely dangerous to your lungs,heart,and brain function diminishes rapidly in months causing serious individual dillusional well being.
    A certain death unless used on rare occasion.
    Remember vaping is not the same draw as on a joint. The draw of air flow is much higher toxifying the airway heavily creating flem blocking oxygen transfer in the lung over a very short period.

  2. Everything is for humans it is all about using. If you smoke once per two weeks or per month same with drinking you’ll be fine. If you drink 4 times a week and smoke everyday then this is not fine.

  3. I think we all just respond differently to weed.
    I’m 18, started a year and half ago.
    Maybe 7-8 blunts per day. I exercise regularly, play basketball, drink green tea, moringa tea, cloves powder sometimes.
    And I try to eat healthy
    I find weed as a tool for thinking and when used wrongly can cause laziness for days and make one unproductive.
    Use it right and can make one much more aware and rational.
    Also helps with social anxiety

  4. Been a ghost all my 23 years out of my 37 years of existing while smoking weed. It has helped for sure during hard times but more than anything it has lowered my IQ significantly. I stopped 2 months ago and doing better than ever. Now in real estate and everything is taking off and I'm on the next level of life after finally saying good bye.

  5. I have had insomnia for a long time in addition to other problems, too many years than I care to remember. None of the drugs I've tried have really worked for me. I tried weed (tried to do it everyday) because everyone says it's a miracle cure but it didn't do much for me, a lot of munchies which made me more stressed out, roughly 3hrs sleep which I wake up from feeling more tired and not relaxed at all. Also weak and useless for a further 8 hours at least. I was really hoping it would work for me I didn’t care even if I got addicted if it meant I would feel good.

  6. 3:05 I agree this is one of the understated but beneficial parts of preparing to smoke up. Rolling or grinding weed is almost like a meditative exercise, like a tea ceremony. It's quite relaxing on its own and helps to distract from worries.

  7. I started smoking weed at 15yrs old and never other drugs. Ended up in prison by the time i was 18 and did 5 years flat. 3 months after my release i started smoking again and abused it all the way til this new years resolution. (So from age 23-32)…6 weeks into this year sober and its remarkable how much better I feel and how much more focused I am in all aspects of life. I understand there isn't a time machine to just go back and tell my younger self to just stay away because clearly i didn't listen to anyone else who tried to tell me, but what I can do is let others who are younger and think that it's 'natural' or that it isn't the 'devils lettuce' and there's no possible way it could be a gateway drug.. It is exactly all of those things. You can choose to find out for yourself..but just know, it's going to cost you more than you could ever possibly receive from ingesting it in any form. A temporary high is a forever lie. – Peace, Love, and Chicken grease to All.✌️

  8. I’m also a victim weed abuse can make lose focus I smoked for 2years. I’m 3 months weed free I’m proud of myself. I don’t want weed near me it nearly destroyed mr

  9. I agree with what Joe said I struggle with hyper focus, my mind and muscle connection is unbelievable I struggle with back pain n shoulder pain and sitiaca pain and when I smoke I can feel everything more and more focused yet again back to hyper focus it’s not good abusing weed

  10. Smoked weed for years and stopped three months ago. Haven’t looked back and will never smoke again. If you’re willing to sacrifice your brain (to say the least) for a little break, I would reconsider your sacrifices.

  11. Got into weed about 2 months ago can’t really tell if it effects me mentally much other then I eat like a starved hog. But other then that I like it so far. Use to be absolutely against it.

  12. I feel like there are a lot of comments both for and against using weed. From what I gather, moderation seems to be key when you're smoking. It makes sense that there are two extremes being reported by people who are smoking weed; it is a powerful psychological tool that needs to be handled with care (as with anything like that).

    For me, I have been in an extremely difficult situation for the past 7 years that I've had to claw my way out of if I wanted to have a good life. Many things did not go my way during this journey (and it is still not over by any means) which made me a bit more resentful and bitter of my suffering. I entered this depressed, anxious and extremely stressed state where I developed some quite serious ailments. I was losing weight despite eating a lot, unable to digest food (chronic constipation/ diarrhea when I do go), extreme and chronic heartburn and debilitating insomnia (there was a particular week where I only slept 6 hours – the whole week). I went to the doctors here in Canada but they were useless. Being a proactive person in general, I decided to take matters into my own hands and managed to heal my esophagus and stomach lining (no more heartburn), gain weight and manage my insomnia a bit better. I even started working out!

    However, I am still constantly stressed out of my mind, anxious, depressed and wasn't able to solve my chronic constipation issue. Smoking weed (literally 4 hits per night) and I am able to go to the bathroom regularly and without trouble. As a bonus it seems to have helped with my insomnia too! I just hope I do not fall into the pitfall of smoking too often and too much that I lose all motivation and control over my life. I've been trying to manage these ailments for a little over 3 years sober and I had a lot of luck with a few. Unfortunately, there's still some symptoms that seem to be related to my psychological state (insomnia & chronic constipation) that only get better with my smoking a little weed every night. It offers some much needed reprieve and I'd hate to have to stop smoking it.

  13. Yeah i agree as for me mj is to remove stress and make me relax In my free time and focus more of what i am reading or learning to improve myself and i become more kind and want to deal with people or be social and connect more with people and care but i can also go to work high also even i dont do it unless i have had it many hours before work , mj dont do anything for me in gym other than make me go home quicker.

    i have been now sober for two weeks and i can see that i dont want to talk to people or be around people as i dont want to listen to bullshit or people normal behavor as it get on my nerve and i have become more violent as fuse is whole lot shorter and i feel my stress level have sky rocket and sure i could go have mj but i decided to have myself a one month sober just to give myself a break from it.

    also weed replaced me wanting to have a drink with friends as i rather just light one before i meet them and i dont want to drink alcohol if i have smoked before.

    but sure i have had few times where weed voice tell me dark sad things to do but it just enhance who you are really and sure that have made me wonder if mj is that good for me.

    still i am more the person that smoke after work and before going to bed instead of do it when i wake up or before work as i am sure i would just smoke all day if i dont have control of when its allowed and when its banned in my own mind.

  14. 12 years i smoked every day of my life! I had to smoke to eat or lets say to get an appetite , also had to smoke to sleep. Whenever i felt a bit nauseous i smoked and instantly felt better always even if it was a hangover weed was the go to. Weed was really everything to me and just thinking about going cold turkey gave me the chills i would always tell myself i don't need to stop I'm active i do my work I'm doing good no need to stop.

    In the last year of smoking only smoked the vape pen 95% thc and i got to a point where i would only smoke before bed to make a long story short the vape pen helped me allot to narrow down on the weed abuse it was hard as a vape pen makes it easy to smoke whenever, my tolerance also got better as i was used to bongs, anyway today I'm 9 days clean no weed, i drink a chamomile tea before bed and read a book until my eyes struggle to keep open and then pass out it works for me.

    To be honest i miss weed ill smoke occasionally again but i want to be clean for at least 21 days that's what I'm aiming for and I'm 100% sure ill achieve this the heavy craving and all is gone, but also i feel alive i feel high on life again its a good feeling should i say definitely worth it, i think there is nothing wrong with weed until you start abusing it.

  15. I find that personal reaction is the biggest factor for how your high will be. Some people become lazy, some become productive. Some go crazy, some become enlightened. Some become depressed and some become happy. Some become active some become sleepy. It’s all a mentality imo and genetics.

  16. You can be a disiciplined person and weed can still make you a lazy slob. You need to be hyper disciplined to be high functioning and a stoner

  17. So many colleg studies on alcohol. It does have benefits, 2 malt beers raise testosterone levels 3 fold for few hours. And 1 drink a night has longevity benefit

  18. I would call my self a disciplined person. WITHOUT drugs. I run my own business, I lift every day, and I've maintained a loving relationship with my partner for over 2 years now, I started smoking weed in the beginning of 2023, and it has honestly been one of the worst decisions I've ever made in my life.. went from smoking on weekends to every day, quickly I burned through thousands and thousands of dollars while allowing my self to lose motivation in my business and ruin things that I've worked incredibly hard for.. I was spending upwards of $700 per week on just weed… It got so bad to the point where I would tell my partner I would spend time with her and then just go and smoke weed and fall asleep instead.. And it took her having to tell me that I've been this way for 6+ months and that it was ruining our relationship.. I didn't even realize it… To me it felt like maybe a month or two. So much time passed in what felt like such a short amount of time with ridiculous and unsustainable spending habits… I would regularly drive high too, and one night a police officer flew past me with his sirens switched on already, I hoped he wouldn't stop me, but he turned around and pulled me over. And immediately it was obvious that there was a scent of cannabis from the car, I knew I would most likely lose my drivers license for a Drug related DUI, and possibly paraphernalia and possession charges, but by some miracle, they had only pulled me over because they were searching for a black sedan, (I drive a black sport-coupe) and had no time to waste, so the officer let me off with a stern warning. I should have taken that as my sign to quit, but the very next day I continued to smoke.. and things would get progressively worse in my relationship. Until one day I tried acid (LSD) and I was having an amazing time and then suddenly it all just clicked in my head, I just couldn't stop thinking about how terrible of a person I was becoming, and how little effort I was putting into my relationship, and even my business.. I felt horrible for the remainder of that trip, I was anxious, sweating, crying.. It felt like my whole world was falling apart, the very same night my partner almost ended things in our relationship, saying that I will never change. At that point I realized weed had made me lose almost everything I had cared for in my life. My money, my relationship, even long term friendships.. Ever since that night I haven't smoked since.. And I intend to keep it that way. I'm only just starting to get back into my usual groove that I had lost almost a year ago… Weed might seem like a harmless drug but, it can seriously fuck up your whole life if you're not careful, and I wonder about how much worse things could have been if my partner had left me that night, or if I tried a different far more addictive drug instead of LSD… I'm so glad that I did try LSD and had a horrible trip because honestly if a drug didn't absolutely fuck with my brain and leave me feeling completely empty and ruined for hours and hours on end, maybe I wouldn't have stopped and snapped out of that shit.

  19. It depends on what muscle group I’m hitting if I’m high and doing back or arms it feels great 😂 if I’m hitting shoulders chest or legs it’s not a good mix cause I feel like it affects your balance on heavy lifts.

  20. It depends on the person first, if you’re the type who mixes well with weed you can definitely see benefits like better focus and less stress. If I smoke a little before a workout (2-3 pulls max) it makes feel way better.

    That being said I think it’s exceedingly rare to be someone who can smoke all day every day and not become an emotionless zombie and lose motivation and discipline. I’ve abused weed before and while I still use it for the benefits mentioned, I do so in very strict moderation (1x a week), and I smoke a tiny amount (half a j max).

    Big difference between use and abuse, but if you’re someone like me, I’d recommend smoking 1x per week to see the benefits without some of the drawbacks, and only once you’ve done all daily tasks that require a lot of focus or you know you won’t do once you’re high, additionally try smoking a tiny bit, like 2-3 pulls, if your weed is good it feels great.

  21. Microdosing psilocybin is so therapeutic for me! Opens up my mind, relieves me from anxiety & uplifts my mood. No hangover for me, if anything more mental clarity during & shortly after.

    I can’t smoke thc. It heightens my anxiety, makes me binge eat & I feel so so dumb & unproductive on it.

    Cbd however is wonderful for me. It is just overall relaxing, reduces my pains & anxiety. But it can make me a little dumber though but nearly as much as thc.

    Alcohol is just straight up poison for me & I never touch it.

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