Legalization effort for recreational cannabis moves further at the state capitol than ever before

In a 3 to 7 vote, Senate Bill 3335 moves on with amendments, including an agreement to let cannabis sellers form labor unions.


  1. Legalize cannabis federally in each and every single state right now, today. This way, irrational politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet completely legal alcohol. Legal in all states…

  2. Cannabis should be absolutely just as legal and easy to obtain anywhere as alcohol currently is. In every single state. No exceptions. It's so easy: As legal and easy to obtain/use as alcohol currently is. Why hold relatively benign, often healing cannabis to any sort of irrational, stricter double standard than perfectly legal alcohol?……

  3. How dishonest is former Governor Lingle to cry about legalization "costing too much" when every state that has re-legalized cannabis has reaped economic treasures!

  4. oh yes, it will! legalization is coming, matter of time, the fear tactics are NOT working. That is all. Replying this way as my replies to Lonnie were not appearing, regardless these are FACTS. And that is now all.

  5. It’s a bad move for Hawaii. There’s so many social issues that come from legalizing marijuana that will ultimately devastate the culture of the state. Crime is one of the social issues, which, as we all can see, is on the rise here in Hawaii. Fix the problems that we have now before you try to solve other problems.

  6. Do NOT legalize those drugs on THAT island! You have NO idea what’s really going on with the mainland OBSESSED to have EVERY COUNTRY ADDICTED, other getting really sick to the point of surgeries from organ damages, immune system compromised, the lack of oxygen unable to reset itself from its density CHEMICAL exposure! And leaving the best part last….Gloria Mildred Mezquida (The Beast, whose eyes turns yellow and loves to possess people’s bodies to harm, endanger, control and cripple relationships as she uses the cult people to swap “People” out of their bodies! Don’t do it!!! It’s the reason Angels are put on High Alerts and has been tracking her down to see in which country does she targets to cripple the ENTIRE infrastructure of a GOVERNMENT! This is not new “news”. For thousands of years she goes on the run using anything the simulates and sedates herself to keep her EYES from getting noticed. She will flash them when she threatens certain kinds of people in positions that handles a country’s infrastructure that also includes the economy. It generates higher crime rates, addictions to other drug that longer lasting and stronger. Hawaii is not an island of DRUGLORDS or CARTELS. Please DO NOT stain the culture and history of your generations and ancestors with FILTH that introduced by a country that lacks INTELLIGENCE, MORAL, INTEGRITY, HONOR AND RESPECT for its residents/citizens. YOU are not an island of DA KIND. Don’t follow into something that leaves your children LOOKING down at you, instead of UP to you. You are the guidance, so lead with DIGNITY, HONOR and the STRENGTH to say NO TO DRUGS!!! 🇵🇷🫶🌺. 😇

  7. With all the crime now, making this legal will only make things worse. What are the politicians thinking???? The pot shops are only selling less that 10% of all sold. Even if that. cops don't enforce it now anyway, so why make a new law?????

  8. "We need more hope not dope". "Lets fix the problems we have now".

    Uncle, you're blinded by the system sad to say. Cannabis can give lots of people lots of hope. What they taught you about this plant is lies. This plant will help fix many many people problems. You have to know that controlling it has always been about money and never protecting people. A lot of local people wouod benefit from the use of medical cannabis. Our bodies have natural cannabinoid systems within it. And its all off because of all the toxic western things we consume. This plant can help bring our bodies back into homeostasis believe it or not. It is a plant from god. And you dont have to get high to experience its benefits.

  9. It shouldn’t be so hard. Really. Politics has always been the lifeline of conflict and problems. Governmental and private. Moreso, within the public. The side that suffers the most is always the ones mandatorily responsible. Which is the tax payer. How does marijuana not profit? This is just a corrupt and greedy government controlled scam. All these politicians care about is how they can benefit themselves monetarily. That’s fact.

  10. in this news report Joelani mentioned governed officials would need to spend a few million lets say 10 on the high side then have a recurring income of 34 million a year. that is enough of a reason to push it through. look how many billions spent on rail and how long will it take to recover those funds @ $3 per ride and maybe 5000 riders a day. Plus with most having a monthly pass that further lowers the actual profit. Hawai’i is relying solely on tourism right now and this would help make some $ for Hawai’i and help with possibly lower the taxing on everyone(locals and tourist) and also pay for some of the debt that is leading to Hawaiis rapid decline.

  11. Bad idea here , wreck reactional Mary Jane will have a far-reaching negative impact on your life. You will find the state and city government reaching into your business demanding business compliance and taking fees. Soon enough you will find yourself fighting with your friends and neighbors. Don't kill Aloha with bad medicine.

  12. You have cannabinoid receptors in your brain. Imagine the depths of the depravity of people that are arguing against a plant that their ancestors used so much that their brain evolved receptors for it that need it to be nourished. Truly clueless people talk and lead sometimes. Legalize it. No question. No talk. Medical marijuana is a joke in the islands, so serve hurting people better with rec marijuana now.

  13. A bunch of old geezers and old asaians run hawaii, they'll never legalize it here lol. Basically one of the most known places on earth for good weed and it'll never be legal here

  14. They dont have to make a huge bureaucracy ! just make it legal.. let people buy it at 7-11. and pay the tax on both ends.. tax the grower and the buyer… Hawaii can re-buid Lahaina with the money.

  15. Hilarious how in my state of Alaska that is super conservative have no problem with legal weed, but the "liberal" state of Hawaii who touts they were the first state to legalize medical can't pass it recreational. WAKE UP HAWAII. Its been illegal for 100+ yrs you had your chance now its time for legal recreational weed. Absolute bunch of dip shits in Hawaii

  16. lol I waited up HOURS and HOURS on EST. for the Commerce and Consumer Protection committee to meet, just to see if they passed it, lol. LONG before they even got out of bed for the day and all the way into yesterday hahaha. Please pass, Finance, your colleagues surely have SOME wisdom! They do for passing this bill! That is all. PASS the bill. Thank you.

  17. Think to the future Finance, because the positives will outweigh the costs. PASS THE BILL. That is all. Oh, and the tourism. AH, the tourism. To help bring Hawaii into the future, and more in-line with reality.

  18. Ms. Lingle is wrong about the bill, the money raised can be used to HELP the Maui wildfire victims AND fund other services. Former Governor Linda Lingle is wrong, and her standing up and speaking might show democracy works, but that those who support her in Hawaii are horribly stuck in the past, spreading the usual fear-mongering while 24 other states CONTINUE with legalization including Colorado. Enough is enough. PASS THE BILL. You can fix the details later. Just pass it and join the future. Because if this bill fails, when it comes up again, and it WILL, even MORE states other than stuck behind Hawaii with their precious KEIKIES and obviously nativism, socially conservative parent base opposed, will have legalized, if not it being Federally descheduled. Just get with the times and pass the bill, Hawaii, Finance is going to be a NIGHTMARE, but even if this bill fails, this issue is NOT going away, Alms and Lingle and that pastor and the others can think otherwise all they wish. Even if SB3555 fails, this issue is NOT going away and will just come back again and again and again. Pay no mind to Lingle waving around the usual fear cards. Pass the stupid bill and bring Hawaii into the FUTURE. Finance, when considering the costs, ALSO consider the LONG-TERM revenue, not just money Hawaii needs NOW. Rational though dictates, DEMANDS, you consider BOTH realities, short and long. Pass the bill, it does not even take effect until 2026, MORE than enough time, even with the problems, to even START setting something up amidst the chaos in Finance right now. Still, it makes SENSE to pass a bill that is ONLY going to pass in the years to come anyway. Enough with BETTER bills. Just pass it and fix the shortcomings LA-TER. Other states have done so. Hawaii can as well. Black market crackdown SHOULD be EASY. Ironically, you can use some of the revenues to go after THAT, too! PASS THE BILL. JOIN THE FUTURE. NO MORE DELAYS. Based on the SAME tired, meritless arguments. That is all.

  19. States that legalized recreational marijuana have discovered it's not the tax revenue boon they invisioned. Creating the infrastructure to administrate such an undertaking, along with policing the inevitable organized crime and black market component is going to make it an economic drain. More effort should be devoted toward improving quality of life and investment in people versus trying to keep them stoned, non-productive and intellectually stagnant.

  20. 1:36 Well, that’s how investments work.
    Once the ground work and infrastructure are paid for, a new industry will have been created …and Hawai’i will reap the benefits.🤙🏽

  21. whether pakalolo is legalized or not, people will still smoke it. Legalizing pakalolo won't make it easier to buy either as it's easy to buy now at mulitple points of sale. There was a rumor about the existence of a prison/industrial complex somewhat like the military/industrial complex. Pakalolo arrests are easier to make and pad the arrest statistics.

  22. If the State cannot take their cut, they wouldn’t be bothering to examine it. If it passes, that would be their primary reason, revenue. They’re not about people seeking pain relief (it’s readily available to hospice patients although they would openly deny it) or about the high cost of THC/CBD relief to chronic pain sufferers. Recreation is one thing, but medical marijuana isn’t cheap. Drugs by pharmaceutical companies are far cheaper and greatly more addictive but with sometimes catastrophic side effects. Loosen restrictions, lower the cost by competition, ensure purity and avoid street stuff that’s laced with fentanyl. And yeah, collect your usual Democratic 10%.

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