What’s in a Medical Cannabis Tincture? | Discover Marijuana

In today’s video Tim and Blake walk us through what’s in a medical cannabis tincture. Tim & Blake know that medical cannabis is …


  1. Blake is the kind of person you want to know to get your thorough knowledge of any medical Marijuana products that are out there. In fact all drugs should be treated this thoroughly and so hands on. The mass production of Medicine on the industrial scale is what has been destroying us all. And you see it happening with cannibus these days. There's all kinds of concentrates, tinctures, distillates, and even flowers themselves that you just don't know what has been done with that product. We have to start going back and start from square one, just like we started doing with food. You want to make sure you can get it locally so that way you really know more about what you are getting and where it's coming from before ever putting it in your body. Whenever something gets massed produced, the product losses it's strength, it's durability and it's potencey. That goes for anything that's produced on an industrial scale, food, clothing, metals, lumber, even rubbers and plastics, when produced industrially, the outcome is always bad in so many ways compared to what little good it's doing.

  2. Great info except: We buy a tincture that works best for us and last trip to beehive, they claimed they are no longer using Zion tinctures due to a problem! If I am using a prescribed medication and I find what works for Me and then they pull the rug out, looks like back to smoking which I'm trying to get away from! I don't have this problem with other meds!

  3. Really appreciate both Tim & Blake on these awesome episodes. I love how you guy's discuss all kinds of different products of cannabis. An that device that can read all of what different cannabinoids there are etc. That is serious AMAZING technology, i hope you guy's can work on making a super potent all delta9 thc:cbn 1:1 ratio cartridge. On helping with chronic pain/INSOMNIA. An even look into making pure cbn products etc. That's really unbelievable to hear there's 3 FT scientists working on staff. Hopefully this helps the progression of this magnificent plant. I really learn a lot from each of ur new episodes. Thank you for all the hard work you guys do. We appreciate you a lot. 🙌🏽💚🌿🍯

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