1. Sorry to hear about your chronic pain flaring up. Have you looked into Low Dose Naltrexone? YouTube may not be the best place to really research it…even the LDN channel gives a mic to some crazy quack-esque doctors. But – it is real. It's been an off-label treatment for more than a decade.

    It does have great potential to help all chronic pain conditions. Nobody is sure how it works, but, a theory is it calms down the brain signals in the areas the process pain. (Which become over-active in chronic pain patients.)
    Another theory – it can help calm down the immune system's response (which causes inflammation.)

    Don't confuse it with Naltrexone. Low dose, has to be really low. Think, 0.5 mg to 6ish. Naltrexone blocks opiate receptors and takes AWAY painkilling ability. So it's used to treat opiate addiction. (Opiates won't feel good anymore.)

    However, in LOW doses, it does the opposite of what the high doses do. Nobody is sure why – some drugs do that.
    Some people say it isn't a miracle for fighting pain, but, is quite helpful in helping one recover quicker, and have fewer flares.

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