Dr. Mike Hart – How Cannabis Can Treat Alcoholism

In this episode Dr. Hart talks about how Cannabis can treat alcoholism. For more information on medical cannabis, and other …


  1. So I drink daily and don't have an appetite if I don't drink I start to shake I'm going to start the flower in the morning, my ex wife drunk herself to death she passed a week ago, same way my sister and uncle passed away I really don't want to go that way I need help I'm going to try this cause I don't want to drink anymore..

  2. Medical marijuana user here and I’ve cut my alcohol by 7/10. And you really think about it more and are more aware of what you’re putting in your body.

  3. I needed to solve this mystery I thought to myself recently. I started to drink CBD sodas and I had already been taking Tommy Chong's good vibes and I noticed that I although I've never Been an alcoholic but I liked drinking alcohol occasionally like sometimes certain events and I've always looked forward to those times even months ahead and now the Craving is changed I don't really care anymore.
    I don't care if there's another event ever again.

  4. Micro dosing weed audibles at >2mg thc helped me slow down my drinking significantly. I took it for several months and noticed changes in my anxiety and my negative thoughts. And one day I had a very powerful epiphany. I realized that alcohol was numbing me. Slowing my brain down. Slowing my thoughts. Because of my anxiety. But the cbd/thc actually turned my brain on and forced me to think even more. And by doing that, it forced me to think about why I even have anxiety! Alcohol numbed my anxiety. Cbd/thc forced me into an anxious state and held up a mirror, made me get to the bottom of it. Made me realize it was a vicious cycle because of the alcohol. That’s some clarity!

  5. I had the best results of not drinking in my life on weed. Then I got a job that doesnt allow me to and was able to not drink for almost a year at a time. Now I cant even make it a week, my life is falling apart, my marriage n feel hopeless.

  6. Thank you…I'm in the throws of abusing Alcohol and have decided to fix it…when I take thc or cbd I don't want to drink but because of the stigma I go to the legal Alcohol. But I know it's better to use cannabis on so many levels. And gut health is something folks don't talk about in aa meeting but if I'm in a room full of folks talking about Alcoholism it should be at the forefront as it is an absolute result of drinking regularly

  7. How do you guys get over the anticipation of how high you are going to be. I mean I cut myself in half with drinking, but I sometimes get scared because the small ratio of THC thats been working in an oil scared tf out of me.

  8. I have found a way to beat my alcoholism by cooking and making Edibles with marijuana it's time-consuming and yet it's fun to make it keeps my mind off alcohol and when I try my cannabis infused edibles I don't think of alcohol it doesn't take me much to get high and I have been doing this for 7 years I saved so much money it's unbelievable and I also grow all my cannabis as well it's hard to put in the time of growing my stuff and then making Edibles out of it it is quite time-consuming but it's worth it because it keeps my mind off of alcohol but I do not smoke cannabis never did never will Edibles is my way to go and much more healthier for my lungs anyways it's nice to stay green instead of being alcohol because alcohol deflates your liver

  9. Just over a year ago I was drinking two 60 ounce bottles of vodka a week. I quit as I saw I was drinking myself to death, but in reality I was just a dry-drunk, not actually fixing the problems that drove me to drink in the first place. I started taking CBD oil 6 months ago (I make my own) and started experimenting eventually finding a 2:1 (CBD:THC) ratio worked the best for me. After taking this my urge to drink just kind of evaporated as it cured my crippling anxiety and depression. Furthermore, a customer of mine who takes CBD oil for arthritis has noticed that after taking it for a few months he has gone down from drinking 14 beers a day, to having a shot or two of vodka once in a blue moon. Point being, CBD is an amazing tool in the toolbox for alcoholics wishing to stop drinking.

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