My Dog Ate #Cannabis, Now What? By Marc Smith, DVM, MS

Don’t hesitate to bring your dog to the vet if you think they’ve eaten cannabis, #CBD, gummies, or anything similar. It makes the …


  1. My dog ate 3/4 of a 500mg cereal bar. She was messed up for 3 days. She was loving that first day though. Happy and prancing around like a Tennessee walking horse. That second and third day though she was miserable.

  2. One of our big dogs ate a full ashtray of roaches a few years ago. It was definitely worrying. But omg it was so funny. She was baked af, acting embarrassed / shameful, looked super dopey, and her eyes were crazy bloodshot to a whole new level. She was fine tho, and definitely had a good nap.

  3. I had a cat that had mental issues, couldn't walk right, could barely eat, it was only by hand feeding she grew beyond a kitten. But once she was mature enough, we decided to try getting her stoned after research had shown positive effects for schizophrenia, epilepsy, and Parkinson's. She walked a straight line and acted like a cat for a few hours after every session, unfortunately whatever was wrong with her was too severe in the end and she died, but she got to be a regular cat most of the time for a a few months.

  4. Its annoying being young and bringing your pet to the vet for an emergency. I had to bring my dog in after she had puppies because her calcium got depleted from feeding them. I spent an hour arguing there is no way my dog ate any drugs before they would believe me.

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