1. After we finished recording this, we found out that a 5th episode will be coming in early April. We'll definitely be tuning in and probably be doing some type of update!

  2. I don't know Drake and I don't know his ex girlfriends but I have watched so many cases where girls do accuse guys of abuse for some form of gain so for the time being, I'm leaning more towards innocent until proven guilty. However, I do think it's important to note that he is willing to be hold accountable for the things that he has done which speaks volumes and why I don't think he's done any more than that. I read somewhere that one of the girls that lied about her age continued to stalk him. I do think it's important to believe victims and we should believe victims but I also think we need to hear every side of the story with the evidence given before falsely accusing someone. That's just my opinion though. My heart does go out to every single victim who has come out to share their story. I think that's very brave of them and I'm proud of them.

  3. I think if a Production Company gets to the point where they’re questioning “is this skit/dialogue/situation okay or not?”
    The answer should be an immediate no. It’s pretty simple.

  4. I believe they put these innuendos in the show to desensitize children. Also, no job or amount of money or career is worth Doing things against your moral code, particularly when an involves children. I don't agree with Janelle making excuses for these women. If you have a knowledge of things happening and you consciously look the other way for a paycheck you are Complicit.

  5. When you guys were talking about Handy and Peck and their charges and how long their sentences were, and you mentioned that a predator got a shorter sentence than someone who had a Mary Jane charge, it made me think back to the docu-series 'Uniquely Degenerate' about Douglas Spink and the Zooier Than Thou podcast. Douglas Spink is a zooph*le and the dog r*pist got a shorter sentence than someone who committed a robbery… Let that sink in of just how fucked up our justice system is.

  6. I didn’t want to watch this episode until I watched the series and wow you guys are right. These shows were my escape from bullying, depression, whatever it was. Now knowing it was all a lie is crazy.

  7. Actually Drake Bell wasn't 15 when Drake and Josh started. He was 17. It started January 2004. I was ten and he was turning 18 during the first season. His birth day is June 27, 1986. So he wasn't 15. He might have been 15 when it was being written, but he was 17 when it first aired January, 2004. I was nine almost 10 years old. Miranda Cosgrove was 10 almost 11 years old. Josh Peck was 17 almost 18 when it first aired.

  8. At the Emmy FYC event last night, Drake, Giovanni & Bryan were on the panel and mentioned an organization that's been around for 20 years to exist as an entity, independent from productions, that can have children's advocates working on sets to protect child actors, but studios have to opt in to it. I think they said it was called BizParentz? I hope moves can be made going forward to have members from foundations like this to be a requirement on sets with child actors and not just something that productions can opt into.

  9. So sorry this happened to all of the kids, it’s all of the parents fault if you ask me! My mom raised myself and 3 sisters alone she would never leave us on set with men we aren’t even allowed to sleep over at family members house ! The time period is definitely not a factor! I was born in 83 ! My mom kept us safe at all costs

  10. Pretty sure Drew Barrymore has talked about she’d get invited to parties very young (like 11-12) and the adults around her would allow her to drink and do drugs and they basically just treated her like an adult. That’s why she had addiction issues so young, it’s absolutely awful.

  11. A side note: Allan Thicke is a creep. A family friend of mine worked at Dodgers stadium in the 80s. He had a box there and he’d attempt to get with both her and her friends. They were all underage at the time and were very vocal about it.

  12. 1:14 just today I watched a Finnish tiktoker speculate that IF something happened with Leo and Brian, could that be the reason why he only dates barely legal girls? This was pure speculation but for me the math is mathing: there is a link of ppl who are molested or groomed that might commit similar crimes bc that’s what they were taught to be normal. Think Onisions partner Kai….

  13. I heard a story about an actress from the 70s who was 15 when she was in a film, in the film there was a scene where there was supposed to be a car crash. No one told her how they were going to do it, they tell her to get in the car and then her male co star is instructed to ACTUALLY CRASH THE CAR! She broke her arm!

  14. I made it half way through- can’t watch anymore. This has been happening in Hollywood for so long and nobody said or did anything until now?!!! Disgusting. Shame on the parents who did not stand up or watch their kids closely, shame on all the higher ups, shame all around.

  15. One of my big issues is that the jokes are completely catered to a very specific demographic. They’re pornographic images that can be identified by people who watch porn. Your average person would find it weird but the people who understand it, know exactly what it’s about. You have minors recreating pornographic images.

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