1. I disagree personally, all my mates smoke weed and I have noticed a decline in there mental functionality, they’ve become way more arrogant, can’t form a sentence/miss spellings even when sober not to mention it’s made them extremely lazy, they used to go gym and everything but not anymore, one of them tried quitting and after a couple days he’s started getting severe paranoia and hallucinations, so for me personally I’d say never smoke weed but feel free to do want you want.

  2. Recent fan from Florida! I’m an aspy and on the spectrum and always heard weed as the ultimate “gateway drug”, but my OG granny gave me a medical edible and it send me to be the active pothead I am today 😂

  3. I used to think like this. I was smoking an ounce a week until the start of this year.
    No plans on stopping, cutting down or quitting. I went as normal to skin up. Put my hand in the bag and couldn't get it all the way in. Tried harder and harder but had something physically stopping me by grabbing my arm.
    Stopped and said "fine, you got me. There's only one thing it can be. I belive". At that, I had a massive wave of love wash over me like nothing ive ever experienced in my life or could drscribe and then started in faith.
    I quit cold turkey and found it easy. Never missed weed. Few months down the line now and doing great.

    Weed did a good job at filling a hole for me, but it always left a gap. There was always something missing. A little piece of me that I couldn't find.
    Now I've given my life to Jesus and dropped buds, that gap is completely filled.

    Dont worry, I know it all sounds on a madness. If i came to myself even the week before and said what happened, I would have assumed it was more than just weed being smoked. I promise you though. Hand on heart, honnor and everything i have that this is the truth

  4. There are supplements you can take that will produce more dopamine then cannabis will with prolonged use, take it from someone thats been smoking weed for 10 years, you dont need bud brother, you just need to understand what it does to you

  5. It’s a bit of both tho init, like if corse you do you need it I’m not doubting that. But the buds that are like 500 an oz that’s purely recreational. You’re trying that for fun

    Can’t really argue that that’s just for tolerance sake cuz if it was it’d be better to just buy 2-5 oz of some decent-mid bud for the same price.

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