Naturecan CBD, it worked for me!

Using Naturecan CBD oil products for a while now and I’m pleasantly surprised. It certainly seems to have helped improve my …


  1. I suffer from the same 4am scenario, overthinking everything, from a comment made at work to a song on my head to how I should do something etc… it drives me mad, but also I have noticed lately that I feel anxious, I was the most outgoing gregarious person ever… but not now and I think my menopause is part of that, I am 63 and went through the menopause in my 50”s we are currently on a lovely 2 week holiday in Turkey and 4 days away from leaving i am getting anxious about buying gifts, getting to the airport etc, that was never me, I will try this product and let you know, Thank you Helen xx

  2. I can relate to the sleepless nights Helen. Mine are filled with the noise of two different types of tinnitus. One's a hissing I've had for years but the worst is the factory hooter which began suddenly 10 years ago. I doubt very much if these products would help otherwise the British Tinnitus Association would be recommending them. I just try to mask it with earphones and music but it can be very debilitating and sometimes I feel like I'm at the end of my tether because I get so tired. However I'm determined to stay positive for the sake of my lovely wee granddaughter and my family. xx

  3. Helen you have just described me at night – I wake at 4 and that's, the mind is on override……I am going to get this product and I'll let you know how I get on.

  4. My sleep has been disrupted for years. Early sleep good – 4 hours then the shallow sleep and when i finally look at clock it usually is 4-something am. It's a post menopausal symptom I know but my solution to it has been to listen to a podcast and usually I get over again. Sort of used to the routine now…. Oh for 8 straight hours sleep 💤

  5. You can buy a little speaker for your pillow, an audio book sends me back to sleep. A nuisance really because I never seem to finish a book , but it works mostly.

  6. I started using CBD gummies (with no THC) during the pandemic….I had never in 60+ years had sleep issues or anxiety but a global pandemic ended that good run! I will NOT be with out it now. I actually am auto subscribed to receive it and I have NEVER done that with any other product….i did tons of research as I had never been one for taking medications or supplements. I learned a lot of evidence backed information from a channel, Dr. Jack Has Your Back , he is a board certified anesthesiologist specializing in pain management. Anyway, three years in and I will never be without it!❤

  7. Hi Helen from Glendora, CA, near LA. Love your channel! Discovered it when I was looking for fashion ideas while preparing for my summer vacation in London and Cornwall this past August. You have a beautiful country and I love the people. Visited the Marks and Spencer store on Piccadilly, I believe. Loved it. Question: if I live in the US, can I still order from the British website? I tried to open an M&S account but they would not recognize my US postcode and I got frustrated. Ended up on the M&S US website but they don't have near the variety of clothes, especially the lovely items you share on your episodes. Do you know why? Keep up your great energy! I'm now retired and have time to enjoy these things. Thank you, Helen! Kristina

  8. Sorry Helen. They did apply the discount after becoming a member but you had to pay postage where as without the discount code you didn’t. But if it helps it is definitely worth it.

  9. I also wake around 4am .. I think its because I go to bed before Im sleepy .. we’re all pre programmed into thinking we should go to bed at a sensible time ..i’m determined to stay up until Im dropping !!

  10. You know what Helen ,I really trust your integrity and find your information really helpful. I have quite arthritic hands and my husband,who is missing parts of fingers, does too. This is a serious concern for him as he relies so heavily on the fingers that he does have. I think we will definitely try the balm ,if only to elevate the symptoms As regards sleeping patterns I too wake most nights around three to four. If I don’t sleep again I really struggle the next day. For me if I start thinking about the day ahead that’s it end of sleep. So I think I must give it a try. Thanks Helen

  11. Hi Helen , I’ve tried CBD oil & gummy’s, as I also wake up & can’t sleep , & I have osteoporosis. But I can’t say it helped at all 😞.
    I’ve just started listening to a podcast when I lay down , something soothing , a story or soft music & im finding that helps . It is so annoying , to be so tired , & yet sleep won’t come . I’m glad it’s helping you .
    Thanks for the Video .

  12. I have the same problem with sleep. Not all the time, though. Control your mind before it controls you. That is the message. Difficult though. Thanks for sharing. X

  13. We are family that thrives on Cpd oil. We havent been to a doctor in 10 years. My partner was extremely over weight with many health problems when i met him….joint pain, needed knee replacement, ingestion etc. All caused by inflammation.(too much sugar, crap refined sugars. He has no pain, and by doing intermittent fasting with me has lost 7 stone. We took our health into our hands. We also have began giving our soon to be 16 year golden retriever cbd oil for arthritis. She couldnt lift herself up off floor without our assistance. I m proud to say 4 weeks taking cbd….up and running. Walking a mile a day. She has suppressed us all. No one loves you more than yourself and your family. Do the research….trust your intution.

  14. Thank you for this helpful video Helen. I suffer from widespread pain as I have MS. The colder temperatures play havoc with my joints. I'm really interested in these products & I'm looking forward to giving them a go. Thank you so much ❤️ x

  15. I have arthritic knees and though I put a pillow between them at bedtime at some time through the night ( around 4 am coincidentally) and the pain keeps me awake besides my brain waking up ready to party. I tried CBD gummies and it does really help , I get a much better sleep. The ones I get have a tiny bit of THC though, not enough to get high, it’s just how they are made.
    Cannabis is legal and supposedly govt. controlled here so you can just stop by the spirits store and buy them ,regulated and of course taxed by them.
    The other thing I do is listen quietly to audiobooks when I go to bed, mark it with a bookmark, set a timer and I’m usually off to sleep in no time. If I wake up at some ungodly hour I just hit play again and that puts me right back to sleep. Our library has 1000’s of them to borrow for free so lots to choose from. 🙋🏼‍♀️

  16. Meditation is the way to go to stop the mind chatter Helen. Believe me it works! I’ve only recently been doing it myself, just like you I drive myself mad constantly thinking about the most ridiculous things. Now when lying in bed unable to sleep I will suddenly remember to switch my mind off and within no time I’m asleep…honestly you should try it…plus it costs nothing. xx

  17. Hi Helen, it is nice that you won’t endorse a product unless it has a good effect on you it looks like the gummies do the trick. I don’t suffer with arthritis but I will look into their products.❤️❤️

  18. Hi Helen, can I just say that you explain things so well and leave the viewers in no doubt as to whether you endorse the product or not. Hope it continues to allow you to sleep through the night. I have spells of waking up and it’s such a long night when your brain is on overtime! Looking forward to hearing about your coffee morning 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿xx

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