Congress Works To Bring The Cannabis Administration And Opportunity Act | Symone

MSNBC Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos joins Symone D Sanders to discuss congressional efforts to decriminalize Cannabis on …


  1. Oh I believe Federal legalization is coming 100% but I'm pretty sure they're going to slowly raise taxes until the illegal market comes back and they will start arresting people for growing their own and evading the tax.

  2. It would be awesome to legalize, but so many states are so in the police's butts. They'd do whatever cops want them to do.

    Release everyone incarcerated on marijuana-related charges and fully legalize it, no restrictions on number of plants or amount of marijuana in possession. It's a racist law used by a racist system to inflict racial harm.

  3. In the past 10 months the States who recognize medical uses and/or recreational benefits over Alcohol, Tobacco and even Caffeine has risen to 40 States… While the DEA still holds to the archaic notion that marijuana is more dangerous than Fentanyl… So, the problem is with the DEA/FDA whose leadership is by appointment and for the satisfaction of the President who could fire and reappoint whoever he wants… WHAT STOPS THIS FROM HAPPENING??? Who controls the president on these issues???

  4. @hidalgocounty I was arrested, and my vehicle was impounded. I spent the night in jail for a "drug paraphernalia". I had a cannabis pipe and a grinder.
    @Cityofmcallen thanks alot for adding drug charges to my record.

  5. With a Medical Marijuana Card you can grow up to 15 plants, and a maximum of 3 med cards per household, meaning 45 plants. With this in mind med growers abroad can make a 'donation' to a dispensary and get funds in return. I miss Medical dispensaries. Recreational dispensaries don't let you smell and rub the new buds before purchase.

  6. Just like I call you out on SPORTS BOOKS only to be deleted to continue to MAKE YOURSELF look good to the WORLD because you know you CHEATED ME. It’s just an illusion of a false perception that you know YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. You are a LIAR, a straight FACED NO GOOD LIAR!! And I don’t want to be your friend, shake hands, give you a pound, and don’t want to interact with you. WE JUST NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER and just live in peace.

  7. If all these states ever change their mind and go back to it being the illegal😊 I guarantee you every weed smokers going to be protesting outside the White House 😂 it’ll be the biggest protest you’ve ever seen lol


  9. Is Marijuana addictive? No marijuana user want or try to quit marijuana use, which is personal decision. If it is made by the substance, it is addiction. The use of marijuana should be informed decision, and legalization may help to learn the knowledge.

  10. We need to license and regulate intoxaction as well as provide addiction education material in schools instead of the failing war on drugs. Addiction is the problem. not the people or the product. We need to address addiction as public health crisis. I've lost too many friends to opioid overdose.

  11. I had 2 marijuana posession charges when I turned 21, and as a millenial they ruined my life. I know I cant get my life back but they should change the laws for future kids. We need to license and regulate intoxaction as well as provide addiction education material in schools instead of the failing war on drugs.

  12. marijuana/cannabis seeds have been in use for more than 10,000 years. A 10,000 year old frozen explorers body was found on an icey mountain side and it was so well preserved, we were able to check their pockets. Guess what we found…? CANNABIS SEEDS!!

  13. During winter storms like today (christmas eve-eve), I like to cozy up with my bong and maria juana while listening to MSNBC. Thanks for making a great video!! This helps explain a lot!! RESCHEDULE ALL THE WAY! We need more research. Synthetic pharmaceuticals like adderall taken with all natural herbs like marijuana have harsh interactions that need more studying. I only found out this year.

  14. Democrats helped to stop the passing of marijuana legalization by not supporting the SAFE Act. Democrats have failed in the two years to pass it. Imagine that, Democrats! By not passing the Safe Banking Act shows that they only want the wealthy well financed big corporations by preventing poor people from accessing fair banking financing for their business plans. Schumer, Booker are well funded by Wall Street and Big Pharma. It’s in their donors best interest not to back the SAFE Act!

  15. It’s good and bad because everyone has the right to smoke weed but the long term affect of weed is lung cancer or respiratory diseases memory loss diminished cognitive abilities people the life Would be shorter population control 5.0 but at least it will be natural causes

  16. Making it legal federally will destroy the monopoly illegal drug dealers have, and you dont have to get weed if you dont want to. Also it can then be put in the right portions so you dont get overdose. It would be amazing for America.

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