1. Quiting is for loosers….I've smoked since I was 11 an I'm 36 now….I'm better high,I fuck shit up sober, it helps with appetite and sleep and makes me so much better it's not funny, but in a serious just do whatever makes you happy

  2. I just don't want republican lawmakers to make examples out of people who quit marijuana as an excuse to try to reprohibit cannabis, we fought long and hard for legalization and acceptance.

  3. Glad your doing whats best for you, but for most folks, we dont smoke just to sit around and get stoned and listen to music.

    Many of us smoke because we are in physical pain, have anxiety, struggle with depression, have issues like siezures & parkinsons, or even just to take the edge off a stressful day.

    Again, kudos! Im glad youre on the best path for you. Weed is NOT for everyone folks! ❤

  4. Agree with you a 100%, i was too addicted to grass myself and all you said is true, i lost a friendship in the process but sadly it was worth it, stay stong mate, also that shirt design is sick

  5. I’m 30 and I’ve been on weed for since 15, I recently quit a few weeks ago because of health scares. Everything you said is so on point. It motivated me even more to stay sober after listening to you

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